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Near, far, wherever you are
I believe that the heart does go on

My heart will go on - Celine Dion
Hi besties I'm not sure you've all seen the update for chapter 17 so make sure you read that one before this one!

I was stood outside of the school, alone, waiting for James to pick me up.

Harry was actually in math today and I just know he only showed up because he knew I was going out with James after school.

He spent the entire class kicking my chair and just generally trying to piss me off.

It worked.

I tried my hardest to ignore him and just pray the silent treatment would work. Logically if I didn't act on what he was doing soon enough he would get bored and give up.

That didn't work.

My shoulders were tense and I gripped my pencil so hard I was sure it was about to snap.

Mr Atkins didn't even seem to notice, or if he did he chose to ignore it.

I'd noticed that nobody in the class ever mentioned Harry's absence. Surely I wasn't the only person who thought it was weird that he disappeared for days then just showed up like nothing was wrong.

He'd never handed in a piece of homework, not as far as I was aware.

I didn't want to ask anybody about Harry when he was missing but that didn't stop the questions from eating away at my brain and completely puzzling me.

One day I'll grow a pair and just ask him.

At the end of the class Harry tapped me on the shoulder.

He hadn't actually said anything to me verbally all lesson just tried distracting me from my work.

"Why are you ignoring me?"

"Why are you so annoying?" Two can play at this game.

"Jesus someone's tetchy." He sounded surprised.

"No Harry, I'm not 'tetchy'. You've done your best all lesson to try and distract me and to get me to pay attention to you for no reason. All I wanted to do was my work, I'm peace." That felt good to get off my chest, he needed to know how much I didn't appreciate what he was doing.

"Sounds tetchy to me." This boy is insufferable.

"Harry what do you want?"

"You to not go on this date with James."

I knew it, I knew Harry was mad about this date. There's no reason why he shouldn't want me to go on this date, he just can't stand to see me happy.

Selfish bastard.

"I'm going out with James, I'm not changing my mind just because you told me too." I knew I was stubborn but I wasn't going to let Harry win and besides I'd been looking forward to seeing James all weekend.

Marnie and her family had been over for dinner on Saturday so she helped me pick out an outfit. Or she tried to.

Her idea of the best outfit for a first date was a skimpy black skirt and crop top. I think not.

Eventually we managed to settle on something that would be appropriate both for school in the day and then a date in the afternoon.

It was a floral skirt, still fairly short but not inappropriately so, and a sweet white top which I loved.

"El he's bad news I've told you this." Harry sounded serious and the look in his eye told me he meant every word he said.

"But why?" If James was such a bad idea then why couldn't Harry just tell me what he'd done or why I shouldn't go out with him. Maybe if he gave me a decent reason then I might actually listen to him.

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