Parting Ways, For Now

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As Luke, Ahsoka, and R2 walked to the X-Wing, Ahsoka asked, "so, now that you've gotten your Kyber Crystal, what are you going to do now?" Luke looked at the green crystal and said, "well, I gotta get back to Dagobah and let Yoda know of my success. Then afterwards, I better build my new lightsaber." Ahsoka nodded and said, "I definitely remember building my first lightsaber. I was younger than you are now. Lucky for you, I got several spare parts lying around in my ship. You can have them." Luke hesitated and asked, "are you sure? I wouldn't want to be a burden..." Ahsoka placed her arm around Luke and said, "nonsense! I got plenty of spare lightsabers and you can consider this your gift from your new favorite cool aunt." Luke laughed and said, "thanks Ahsoka. It means a lot to me."

Much later, they made it to Ahsoka's ship, and she gave Luke several parts one would use when building a lightsaber. "There, that should help," said Ahsoka. "It was nice to meet you Ahsoka," said Luke, "thank you for guiding and keeping me and R2 company." R2 bleeped in jovial agreement. "It was nice to meet you as well Luke," said Ahsoka, "I never thought I would meet the son of my master. Nor did I think I would ever reunite with an old friend. Meeting you was a gift. When you see Master Yoda, Luke; tell him I said hi." Luke smiled and said, "I'll be sure to." The three friends then walked over to Luke's X-Wing pilot. "I hope we see each other again," said Ahsoka. "Me too," said Luke, "May the Force be with you, Ahsoka Tano. Until we meet again." Ahsoka nodded and replied, "and may the Force be with you as well Luke Skywalker. Until we meet again." Luke and R2 got on the X-Wing, and Luke waved goodbye to Ahsoka as he flew out of Haruun Kal. Hours later, he and R2 were back on Dagobah, inside Yoda's home.

"So, found a Kyber Crystal you have?" Yoda asked, happy to see Luke. "I did," said Luke, "I could feel an instinct of the Force while finding my crystal. I even met Mace Windu as a Force Ghost." He then showed Yoda the green Kyber Crystal. "Good, good..." Yoda said proudly, "anyone else you crossed paths with, hmmm?" Luke nodded and said, "I did. I met my father's former Padawan, Ahsoka Tano. She says hi. I wouldn't have been able to find the cave without her help. That, and these parts that are meant to build a lightsaber. I owe a lot to her." Hearing Ahsoka's name surprised Yoda. "Hmmm... Live, the apprentice does," said Yoda, "good that is. Succeeded you have, Skywalker. Now that you have found your crystal, a new lightsaber you must build. The necessary components you have, thankfully. Teach you how to make a lightsaber, I shall."

And so Yoda taught Luke the basic anatomy of a lightsaber and how it was built. Given that Luke knew how to build and fix guns and ships, the instinct to build a lightsaber came naturally to the young Jedi Knight. Three days later, Luke had successfully completed building his own lightsaber. Yoda observed the appearance of the lightsaber. "Impressive," said Yoda, "successfully made a lightsaber of your own, you have. Activate it, to see if it works." Luke activated his lightsaber, and he heard the sound of the space blade rising.

Out of the lightsaber was a glowing green blade. Luke went into a fencing position to test the blade. He chuckled in amazement. "It works," said Luke as he then deactivated the blade, the blade disappearing back inside. "Good," said Yoda, smiling with pride, "almost completed with your training you are, Skywalker." Luke could feel that Obi-Wan was proud of him.

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