Rest For A Moment

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"Wait, you were my father's apprentice?" Luke asked. "I understand you have many questions," said Ahsoka as she uncovered her white hood, "come, let's sit on some logs and build a fire. The sun will set soon. I will then answer any questions you have." Luke and Ahsoka then built a campfire and sat on two logs together to get to know each other. "So you are the young Rebel pilot I heard about that managed to destroy the Death Star," said Ahsoka, "I never thought I would be meeting you personally. It makes sense that you're Anakin's son. He was one of the best pilots in the Jedi Order, and you have his flying skills. You almost look like him." She smiled at the young man. She had a feeling that her master and Padme Amidala were close. She didn't realize they were THAT intimate. But she had a feeling they were secretly seeing each other. "Thank you Ahsoka," said Luke, "so you and Obi Wan knew my father?"

"Yes," confirmed Ahsoka, "when I was a youngling, Master Yoda trained me. When I was 13 and The Clone Wars was raging on, I was assigned to be Anakin's Padawan. The Jedi Order wanted your father to learn responsibility after he'd been knighted, and so they gave him me so that I could learn under him. During The Clone Wars, I made many friends and fought in many battles. I learned many lessons of wisdom during the war as I fought side by side with Obi-Wan and your father. Your father Anakin was like a big brother to me, and a dear friend to all of us. Did you ever meet your mother Padme?" Luke shook his head sadly and replied, "I don't remember my mother... but from what Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru told me, she was brave, smart, a beautiful queen, managed to make peace between her people and the Gungans, and she dearly loved my father..."

"Impressive," said Ahsoka, "every word in that sentence was correct. I respected Padme. I can see why your father loved her." She gently pat R2. "Did you ever get the chance to become a Jedi Master?" Luke asked. "No..." Ahsoka sadly said, "during my tenure with the Jedi, I learned that there were some Jedi who were morally corrupt and violated the Jedi way. As you grow older Luke, you will learn that not all Jedi are perfect. Some of us make mistakes, we stumble and fall, and sometimes, some of us fall to the Dark Side. A year before the Senate became the Galactic Empire, a mysterious explosion occurred. Anakin and I investigated this, and soon I found myself framed for a murder I didn't commit. I was expelled from The Jedi Order, and I would have been tried as a criminal. I escaped and sought to prove my innocence. While the Jedi turned their backs on me, your father was the only one who believed I didn't murder anyone, and fought to prove my innocence. We soon found that the culprit was one of our own. Barriss Offee, a Padawan like myself that I once considered a friend. She betrayed us and made me take the fall for her crimes, proving herself a hypocrite. She believed the Jedi were hypocritical in calling themselves the Guardians of the Peace and yet fighting in The Clone Wars, a ploy intentionally set up by Palpatine. By us participating in that war, the Jedi lost. Although I was proven innocent and offered the chance to rejoin the Order, I declined and left, feeling hurt that the people I considered my family and friends would turn their backs on me when they believed I was a criminal. I felt broken and defeated... it broke my heart saying goodbye to your father like that, Luke." She looked down and shed tears. She remembered Vader telling her how selfish she was and tearfully asked, "you must think I'm selfish, right?"

Luke gently sat next to Ahsoka and wrapped his arm around her. "No, you're not selfish Ahsoka," said Luke, "I understand how broken you felt. The fact that my father was willing to fight for your innocence really shows that he cared about you." Ahsoka smiled at Luke. He was as compassionate as Padme. "A year later, I rejoined the Clone Wars to liberate Mandalore from Darth Maul," said Ahsoka, "he was a Sith who killed Obi-Wan's master, Qui-Gon Jinn that had enslaved Mandalore with an iron fist. This last mission was known as The Siege of Mandalore. It was also the last time I saw your father before he and Obi-Wan rescued the Supreme Chancellor. The 501st Legion Squadron and I managed to successfully capture Maul. But after that, things went bad. That was when Order 66 occurred. Or as we the survivors call it, the Great Jedi Purge. Clone Troopers who we considered our friends turned on the Jedi and murdered them all for their emperor. After I survived, I went into hiding, and soon afterwards, the Rebellion began." Luke was amazed by Ahsoka's story. "You went through all that before you were even my age," said Luke, amazed by all this. But the words Vader said still haunted him. Ahsoka could sense something wrong. "I sense conflict in you, Skywalker," said Ahsoka, "is something wrong?"

"Well, it's just that, I confronted Darth Vader a few months ago," said Luke, "I barely survived my brawl, and it cost me my hand... He then told me that he was my father... Even though Obi-Wan told me Vader killed my father... I'm wondering if Vader's trying to manipulate me, and that's why I feel so conflicted..." Ahsoka was shocked to find out that Luke had confronted Vader. It reminded her of when she confronted her former master herself and barely survived. "You are lucky to have survived," said Ahsoka, "but what brings you to the birth planet of Jedi Master Mace Windu?" Luke looked at his robotic hand and said, "well I lost my father's lightsaber when Vader beat me. So I need to find a new Kyber Crystal to make a new lightsaber. What about you?" Ahsoka put her thoughts about Obi-Wan's deceit and replied, "I'm simply trying to rendezvous with The Phoenix Squadron. You might be familiar with them. But it is quite interesting that our paths have intertwined. Fate clearly wanted us to meet here. I can help guide you to the cave of the Kyber Crystals on this planet." Luke smiled and said, "thank you, Ahsoka."

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