Chapter 69: Conversations

Comenzar desde el principio

"I know... we became misguided and wanted control which had created our own demons but the question is how to we come out on top of all of this since the public will be against us for quite some time," she said and Izuku nodded his head. "I think it's time for the entire system to change overall. Less restrive quirk laws but of course not to unrestricted. Better control of heroes and the damage they cause if it was undeeded as Endeavor got away with a lot of damage and his so-called 'accidental' deaths in his fights. We need more true heroes instead of all of these false heroes that don't care about saving people. Take the sludge incident back before last year's school year started as heroes stood by and did nothing to save the hostage until I ran in bought the hostage time to breath which All Might show up." Izuku said and she listened in as Izuku talked and explained that Heros were meant to be willing to scarfie their lives to save the innocent people. Izuku explained that the system needs to punish the heroes when they don't go out and do their jobs like they are meant to and just stick around as they hope someone else does it for them.

"There is also the issue of quirk discrimination that is too widespread in Japan which feeds the villains system. Even UA's entrance exam is biased as there are many mental quirks that would be perfect for heroics. Take example Hitoshi Shinso of 1-A that got pulled from General studies to 1-A after I got expelled due to the sucky control of my quirk. He failed the entrance exam and only got in due to me getting expelled which was really lucky on his part but his quirk can stop criminals without damage, save hostages, stop bank robbers, get information from villains about other villains, and so on. We need to stop discriminating against quirks just because of a preconceived notion of good or evil." Izuku said and the President of the commission asked how they would go about making the biggest impacts on fixing the issues.

"Example by leading, force UA to change their exam to make it less biased in some way. Shiketsu High School rivals UA in standards but yet they don't use robots. Start cracking down on schools that encourage discrimination based on quirks. Encourage heroes to take discrimination cases more seriously. You could also look into starting an underground hero-focused class at the top hero schools that would be geared more towards mental quirks since they tend to go into underground heroics which actually deals with a lot more crime than limelight heroes do." Izuku said as he threw suggestions out left and right. Izuku then also hit on the quirk laws as the commission could issue quirk licenses so people could use their quirks in their normal lives with some restrictions.

"It's logical that people want to use their muscles which quirks are really like muscles. Too many criminals get created due to simple accidents of quirk usage or wanting to practice their quirks but get caught by a hero who discriminates or some other screwed up way. Quirk licenses to use quirks in non-combative ways such as a speed quirk to travel with would generate tax money by selling the licenses but also control why and how quirks are used. Could also do quirk parks so people could use their quirks to train with and not be arrested as people would like to use them. There are so many things that can be done to help avoid another meta liberation army from forming or creating villains due to foolish reasons." Izuku said and he noticed the president of the commission had been making notices as he spoke about everything.

"You also need to free Hawks. You can't keep controlling him like you have been since he needs to be freed. He's done enough for the commission that he deserves to be free like the bird he is and act as he wants without the commission breathing down his neck. Those operations you all have done need to stop for good." Izuku said and she sighed as she said he was free moving forward as the commission would break any contracts that bind him as she wrote out an order authorizing him to be a free Pro Hero agent and that all contracts were voided unless he wished to stay in any which he would need to notify them within 30 days. She gave the order to Izuku and asked him to deliver it to Hawks since she doubted Hawks would want to see anyone from the commission. 

Izuku did ask her if she would be joining him for the news conference that would be going on soon since he did tell the media he would do one soon. She nodded her head and said that Principal Nezu had finished all of the reports from the war with the help of his students who seemed irritated at the work. "Yea, I gave them zero choices in doing that work. I knew no one would be happy but he is their principal who could control them even if they didn't like it." Izuku said with a smirk and she just shook her head as she handed a table of all the reports Nezu had sent in the email to them both. "He sent the reports to your email as well but here is a table that I've been looking at them on." She said as Izuku took the table and started to review the notes. As he was doing it he spoke up.

"I am wondering, can you authorize my entire class as Pro Hero's if they accept it?" Izuku asked and she looked at him and asked why. "Endeavor will fall due to his crimes and with the push for more true heroes my class could help fill the void that the public will feel. They were seen helping greatly in the battle against Tomura Shigaraki so they will have some trust built into them and the trust the public puts into me will extend to my classmates as well since I plan to hire them all at Might Agency since I've taken it over the moment you gave me a hero license." Izuku said without looking away from the table and she thought about it for a bit. "It can be done but they will be required to work with Shiketsu High School to ensure all of their education needs are met to graduate from High School and any training gaps covered. I will leave how that is done between you all and the school." She said as she ordered their licenses to be made and told Izuku if they accept them then they will be activated by the next business day. 

Izuku thanked her and soon finished reading the reports. So many people died as about 30,000 civilians had died due to not getting cleared out of the city face enough. There were also about 20,000 Pro Hero deaths as well from the First Divison battles with none from the second division. Of the injured, there was about another 5,000 that had wounds that would keep them from returning to the field which made Izuku sigh. Before Izuku left, he was given the Pro Hero Licenses for his class and if they accepted them he would inform the president of the commission. It was decided that the press conference would happen later that afternoon as she would set it all up to be held at the command station downstairs in a large room. Izuku nodded as he heard her and left the room to go back down to the operations rooms to get back to work.

Moving downstairs to the operations that were going on, Izuku found the UA students sleeping on cots that were off to one side of the large lobby area while he found the Shiketsu High School students from his class working at some desks as they helped some commission officials process paperwork and other documents. Izuku walked over and asked to take his class since he needed to talk to them about some stuff which the commission officials said it was fine since they could get some others to help. Izuku leads his class into a spare room and they all sat down as Izuku placed an envelope in front of everyone except Inasa since he already had it.

"Before you open that envelope know that you have the right to refuse the offer inside. You would just continue how you are but if you accept arrangements will be made to finish everything else up but your normal life changes even more if you accept."Izuku said as he told them to open it and inside was all of their Pro Hero Licenses. Everyone looked at him and asked how he got this done and what would happen if they accepted. "Ideally, if you accept you all sign on to Might Tower Agency since I now own and operate it. If you accept they will be authenticated by the end of the next business day once I inform the commission president of your acceptance. I asked her to issue them since there will be changes with the hero system and society moving forward and we need more true heroes in the system which the public does already place some trust in you all due to your close relation to me and the fact that you helped me win the war. In regards to education and training, we would solve it with the school in some manner such as every other week of training and education or something else. So what do you say?" Izuku asked as he sat down at the head of the table and without hesitating, they all accepted the offer since they had wanted to join as soon as possible. Izuku thanked them all and pulled his phone out as he texted the commission president's number that they all accepted. After a few moments, she responded that she will have them activated by the end of tomorrow's business day. 

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