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Wednesday 1st September, 1971 (P5)

-The Common Room

The Slytherin common room was surprisingly warm, comfortable and cosy- especially seeing as most people would expect it to be quite the opposite of this down in the depths of the dungeons.

In the room, there were a few huge squashy looking sofas and armchairs, a huge black rug in front of the blazing fire, and even more paintings adorning the walls, which Aurora could only assume were some different sorts of classic painting replicas- most likely donated by some of the richer pureblood families- the ones with the most refined tastes.

"We're up here," Cleo said, leading Aurora to a winding staircase in one corner of the room. At the top, there was another door which opened into a bedroom. The room was way smaller than the room she had at home, but yet it already seemed better.

It was going to be good to finally spend time with other people her own age for once; making some friends that don't just hang around her because they are members of her family.

In the room, there were three beds, all off moderate sizes, with thick green velvet curtains that hung from the top of them, laced with grey trim tassels. There was another fireplace, and each girl had a heavy mahogany trunk and set of shelves by their beds. Aurora could already see her cases propped up against one of the trunks. She moved over, assuming that was her bed.

Lucky for her, her bed was closest to the door, furthest away from where the girls were so it would be easier for her to stay out of any of their drama.

Looking across the room, Aurora could see that Emilia was already rifling through her own things when Aurora arrived, pulling out clothes and magazines and books, making a terrible mess of her side of the room.

"I can't find my favourite jumper," she wailed, chucking her belongings across the room in search of the jumper. "Mother made me pack it so I wouldn't lose it on the train, but it's not here!"

"I'm sure it's there somewhere Emmy," Cleo said comfortingly, walking over to the girl and crouching down beside her. "Have you checked the side pocket? Because that's where-"

"Of course, I've fucking checked the side pockets, Cleo! How useless do you think I am?" She shouted, "Do you really think I'm that incompetent?"

"I didn't say you were useless I was just saying-"

"Then stop!" Emilia spat. "You don't need to say anything..."

"I was just trying to help..."


Aurora had learnt from their conversation on the train that the Greengrass' and the Zabini's had grown up as neighbours, and therefore the two girls (Cleo and Emilia) knew each other quite well.

Though as close as the two girls were, Aurora still couldn't comprehend how the two of them became such good friends in the first place, seeing as the two girls couldn't be any more different even if they tried.

Cleo Greengrass was seemingly a very quiet and reserved girl. She hardly ever talked out of turn, and if she was to do so, it would most likely be to answer one of Emilia's many demands on complaints. So far, Aurora had had very mixed feelings on the girl. She could see the girl's potential through her mask of fear; but she hadn't had a chance to properly speak to the girl alone yet due to the fact she was permanently attached to Emilia's side, so she could hardly judge her fir her personality in that moment of time. Her looks however; she could judge her on.

Though they were only young, Cleo looked much older than she actually was. She was very tall (she guessed she must be around 5'5) and already had a very feminine build, one that many of the boys would be sure to marvel at if she wasn't stuck in Emilia's shadow all the time. She wasn't particularly skinny, and yet she definitely wasn't overweight; she was more of a curvy build, if she had to be described as anything.

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