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Wednesday 1st September, 1971

- Leaving for Hogwarts

It was 9am.

To say the morning was manic, would be an understatement. The Black family house was always manic, but seeing as it was the first of September, it was worse than every other day of the year.

Everyone in the house was busy. Andromeda (the second oldest Black child) was running around, trying to get herself and the others ready for school. Being the oldest child left in the house (seeing as Bellatrix had already left school, and recently moved out to live with her husband, Rodolphus), was responsible for making sure everyone was ready and on time, so they didn't miss the train.

This year would be her last year at Hogwarts, much to her disappointment, but it would also be the year she was finally going to be joined by her youngest sister (Aurora), who was now old enough to attend the school.

Narcissa (the third oldest Black child) was also still at Hogwarts; a fifth year. Unlike Andromeda, Narcissa wasn't ready for school; she never was. In fact, she was still packing her case. This wasn't due to the fact that she was unorganised; she was actually the most organised out of the lot of them, and had had her case packed weeks in advance. But, being the perfectionist that she is, she needed to check back through everything over and over again.

And then, there was Aurora. Although most first years would be rushing around, making sure they looked their best for their first day, Aurora wasn't particularly bothered. In fact, she was doing quite the opposite because quite honestly, Aurora would've rather not had to get ready at all. And she wouldn't have, if it wasn't for Andromeda, who in the end took matters into her own hands, deciding to do the work for her.

It wasn't like Hogwarts was a new thing to Aurora, so it wasn't a big deal to her. Having grown up around Hogwarts, it was all just the normal to her; it was nothing special. And, even if it was special, if it was different, she was already fairly content with her life as it was. Yes, she hated the balls, the business dinners, the punishments and the morals; but if she stayed quiet, and she played her cards right, things were fine. They were perfect in fact.

She was more than happy to just stay at home, hanging out with her older sisters and her cousins. She had everything she could ever want here; everything she could ever need, along with plenty of people around that she knew would do anything for her. So, why would she want to leave? Why would she want to risk all that? She didn't want another Andromeda and Bellatrix situation... She liked everything as it was; how it was meant to be.

But, as much as she didn't want to, she had to go... and Andromeda was going to make sure she did.

Aurora was currently on Andromeda's bed, Andromeda standing behind her, holding a brush in her hand and moving it gently through Aurora's hair. Aurora wasn't usually one for pampering, but she enjoyed spending time with Andromeda, even if it meant that she had to sit there, letting her work her magic. Though, that didn't mean that she wouldn't complain...

"Ouch!" Aurora shouted out in pain, as the hairbrush got caught in her hair...yet again. "Ouch! ANDY... That hurts!"

"Sorry Rory!" Andromeda said calmly, as she carried on brushing through the girls tangled locks. "But if you could just hold still then-"

"Andy, I- OUCH! I'm trying, ok! Maybe you should just be more care- OW!"

"I am being careful. It's just that your hair is quite knotty and-"

"ANDY!" the shouts of Narcissa Black echoed throughout the manor. "ANDROMEDA BLACK!"

Andromeda sighed, dropping the hairbrush she was holding onto the dresser, turning her body around to face the door. "What is it Cissa?" she called back, as the door flew open, an annoyed Narcissa Black entering the bedroom. "I'm kind of busy here right now, if you couldn't tell."

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