Chapter 67: Battered

Start from the beginning

As such, Izuku knew he needed to keep the fight in the air as he threw All For One high up and then landed a 100% blow to the stomach which only forced the man even higher into the sky. Izuku was planning to take this battle as high as he could to avoid any of the destructive attacks from landing against the ground or at least hope to avoid it since he knew even one of his powerful 100% punches could still reach the ground if he aimed towards which is why he always made sure to angle the punches upwards when he launched anything above 60% due to the ability to destroy anything in the path of the air pressure.

'I can push myself to go up to 115% as I tap into the large pool of energy... which would start fracturing my bones so I can't do that so I need to stay at 100% or slightly above that since this will be a drawn-out battle likely.' Izuku thought. Though he was snapped out of his thoughts when All For One recovered enough but then suddenly a large crack across the face of Tomura's body happened which confused Izuku and it seemed to startle All For One. "It seems this body is not fully stabilized... indeed, it is a bit earlier than planned on when my protege should have woken up, to begin with..." All For One said as he examed the body he was wielding. 

Izuku then realized that All For One was right! Based on the information Hawks had gained from the Paranormal Liberation front, the awakening of Shigaraki wasn't meant to happen for a bit longer but he was awakened early which mean that the body couldn't handle the power! This reminded Izuku of a conversation he had with the previous users that explained how the fourth user who died due to One For All ended up consuming his life force due to his body not being able to wield more than one quirk! The only reason All Might and Izuku were able to do what they were doing was that they were born quirkless which meant their vessels were completely empty and were able to adapt to the changes One For All had needed to do while people with a quirk beforehand had a vessel that was meant for their birth quirk only! 

'It seems the same applies to All For One's quirk in a way since Tomura's body wasn't meant to house it as it wasn't his birth quirk and he had to wake up early before the doctor was finished fully adjusting his body for it to adapt!' Izuku thought as he blasted off and was about to land a 100% punch right towards All For One but the man dodged as his regeneration quirks kicked back in and he turned just enough to dodge the attack. All For One then went on the offensive as Izuku could tell the change in fighting style from Tomura's to All For One since they were completely different. Izuku knew he was going to be hard press to overcome All For One in pure combat experience due to the age gap!

Both All For One and Izuku continued to exchange blows and blocked the blows that they received from each other but you could tell that Izuku was taking more damage since he didn't have a regeneration quirk to help him repair himself. All For One also noticed this and had been taunting Izuku the entire time. Everyone was watching as the person they were placing their hopes in was becoming more and more battered as time went on and the battle had been going on for a good thirty minutes already.

"You really just won't give up will you All For One?" Izuku said with a slight chuckle and All For One chuckled a bit as well as he said no since it was time for the victor to be decided. Izuku could agree with that as well but the thing is he knew he had a chance to win since he wasn't sure if All For One noticed but his regenerations had slowed down quite a lot. Izuku had been timing the speed of All For One's regenerations each time he landed a large blow and the time it took to regenerate had been increasing from a few seconds to about 30 seconds right now. This meant that All For One could be defeated if Izuku could deal enough damage to incapacitate the man just long enough to get quirk cuff's on him to negate the quirks which would only leave the natural bodies strength that had been added to Tomura's body which black whips would be able to deal with if he had a tight enough hold.

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