Chapter 3

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I was woken by an annoying beeping coming from somewhere beside my ear. 

I groaned, was it morning already. I squinted at the light coming from my window and swiped away the alarm on my phone.

With another groan, I rolled onto the floor, the blanket falling with me and reluctantly got up. After getting dressed and trying to make my appearance at least a little presentable, I made my way downstairs.

I was not a morning person.

"Morning dear", my mum said chipperly, as I slumped into the kitchen.

I mumbled a reply. 

"Here, have some breakfast" mum said, putting a piece of toast and a glass of juice in front of me. "I need to be leaving for work now. Have a good day at school honey" she added and kissed my head.

"Hmm", I muttered and took a bite of the toast.

"Hey!", I waved at Miguel when he came out of his psychology classroom after first period. He was talking to a boy whose name I didn't know, but who I remembered I had seen hanging around with the swim team. Huh, that was a bit odd.

Miguel gave a short wave and a smile to the boy. The boy did the same and walked the other direction down the corridor. Miguel joined me, and we started walking the other way.

"Who was that?" I asked Miguel, furrowing my eyebrows.

"Oh, uh no one", Miguel answered with a shrug. I noticed a faint blush rising to his cheeks.

We continued walking in silence for a while. Until Miguel suddenly stopped and turned to me.

"Why didn't you come to theatre practice yesterday?"


I totally forgot about theatre practice. I was so preoccupied with my thoughts after I left the library, I completely forgot I was supposed to meet Miguel.

"Shit, I'm sorry, I completely forgot"

"Yeah okay, it's fine", he exhaled and continued walking.

"I'll come on Thursday, I promise", I said.


Miguel gave me a small smile before walking ahead of me into the math classroom.

Math class was pretty boring. I wasn't particularly bad at math but I didn't find it very interesting either. At least the next class was English. That on the other hand was very interesting. Mostly the literature part though. But luckily Mr. Phillips, the English teacher, seemed to be a fan of literature too.

The last class of the day was history.

When I walked inside the classroom my eyes immediately travelled to Anna's usual seat beside the window, but she wasn't there yet.

I took a seat at my own desk and waited for class to begin. I was a bit confused when Anna still hadn't come into the classroom as Mrs. O'Neill started teaching.

3 minutes into the class Anna came into the room tailing behind a grinning Chase. Anna's face was as red as a beet and both of their hair looked dishevelled. I rolled my eyes.

"Nice of you to join us Mr. Robins and Ms. Bryant. Ms. Bryant, I must say I am surprised", Mrs. O'Neill pursed her lips. "Take a seat both of you".

If it was humanly possible, Anna's face got even redder. She scurried quietly behind Chase to her seat.

"Alright, today I'm assigning you a group project. It is due by the end of the month, when you will be presenting your work in front of the class. You will be working in pairs and you may choose your subject on the topics in our textbook", Mrs. O'Neill announced.

Pinky promise? (gxg)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon