Chapter 3

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(Warning) didn't know what part of Canada langa lived in. So I made it up based on where some ski lodges are and where he would most likely live. Based on the fact that he moved to Japan from Canada cannonly. I think he would be living more towards the west of Canada. Also Langa's dad says my son instead of champ in the anime. But my head cannon is that he would also call langa champ)

(Langa POV)
Before Reki could jump he ran into a tree and fell backwards into the snow.
I quickly shifted my body sideways, stopping myself.
Then I unfastened my snowboard from my feet and ran to Reki who was now laying face up in the snow.
"It's a good thing we have helmets," I chuckled, taking his hand and pulling him up.
"Agreed! Anyways...I Didn't think you had to be connected to the board," Reki laughed, grabbing his snowboard from off the ground.
"Well now you do!" I smiled beginning to walk up the hill.
"True," he sighed, before following up the hill.
"Just don't do that again!" I hissed.
"I won't! Don't worry!" He exclaimed.

~2 hour of goofing off- cough cough i mean training later-

I Looked down at my watch.
It's 12:00 already?
I really don't want to go. Snowboarding with Reki has been fun.
I really need to get lunch though... but snowboarding.. and Reki.
"Hey! want to take a break and grab some lunch?" He grinned, taking off his helmet.
It's almost like he read my mind.
"Sure! with you?" I blurted out without hesitation.
"Ya with me? Who else would I be talking too," he chuckled.
"Where do you want to eat?" I asked slowing down my pace to match his.
"How about...Italian?" He proposed.
"That's fine with me," I agreed, taking out my phone.
"give me a sec.. got to inform my dad," I added, turning on my phone and opening my messages.
(I'm going to get lunch with my snowboarding friend)-me
(Okay, have a fun time champ! if you need me I will be on the big snow slopes)-Dad

(Reki POV)

Langa turned off his phone and looked up.
That's a smart idea. I probably need to inform my mom also. While I'm at it, I can apologize for what happened earlier.
"I need to also," I sighed, taking out my phone and turning it on.
(Hey, sorry for earlier... It was really fun trying snowboarding! You were right. Oh and also I am getting lunch with a friend.)-Me

(It's okay, I know moving away was hard on you. But I am glad you made a new friend and discovered something new you like. Also next time, bring your friend home for lunch. I want to meet them!😌)-mom

(You know we are at a ski lodge right now. Home isn't here)- me

(I know, I know. I mean when school starts again and I have my kitchen😄)-mom

(Well then...Ya, sure. just don't scare him off😆)-me
I turned off my phone and put it in my pocket letting go of the guilt I had in the back of my mind since earlier.
"Soooooo...Where you from?" Langa asked, shoving his phone in his front pocket of his jacket.
"Japan" I smiled.
"Cool, what was it like?" He added.
"it's nice! The part I used to live in had a skateboard park that me and my old friends would go to lots of times. There were also little shops," I exclaimed.
"Wait! Old friends...Are they not your friends anymore?" He hesitated.
"Well they... don't really talk that much to me anymore... soo ya, sortive," I muttered remembering the text conversation I had with Miya earlier.
"Ya... it's tough moving from your friends...I get that,"he sighed.
"Have you moved before? You're talking like you have," I ask.
"No, but I do have close friends at school that I wouldn't want to move away from," he conferred, picking up his pace.
"Ya..." I sighed, picking up my pace.
At least someone understands how lonely I have been.
"Well now you have me as a friend!" he beamed.
"True, but we are going to have to leave the ski lodge soon. How are we going to hang out, then?" I worried.
"Where do you live now?" He asked looking down at the ground.
"I can't tell you that! I just met you today!" I blurted out.
"With that logic, we aren't friends either. Since we just met today," he interjected, turning his head to look at me with a petty expression.
"I mean you aren't wrong, we are friends. Even if it has only been a day," I admitted.
Then added, "I'lll tell you. But you have to tell me where you live."
"I'm fine with that," he smiled and continued "what's your phone number?"
"Wait? Why?" I asked, grabbing my phone and turning it on.
"I'm going to send my address,"he explained, taking out his phone.
"That works, I mean if we live close, we then have each other's addresses. So therefore we can hang out," I pointed out.
"Yep, exactly what I was thinking," he grinned, opening his contacts.
Langa then gave me his phone and asked to put in my phone number.
After I put in the number he sent his address.
(Address: #W E 100N, Raymond,AB, Canada)-Langa

~I then opened my messages to respond~

(Mine is: #W E 400N, Raymond,AB, Canada)-me
Wow.....That's just down the road.
"Nice!" I grinned, turning off my phone and putting it back into my pocket.
"Ya, wasn't expecting that," he smiled, also shutting off his phone and placing it into his pocket.
"I mea-," I begin.
"Wait! Didn't mean that it's a bad thing or that I don't want us to live close. I mean I like y-. Wait. never mind! Um What I am trying to say is... I didn't expect us to get this lucky and live this close," he stuttered with a worried expression.
"Don't worry, I get what you mean," I smile, still trying to decipher some of what he just said.
Wait, was he about to say he liked me? Probably misheard. Just because I think he's good looking doesn't mean he thinks the same about me.
(Langa POV)
Why did I say that?
What was I thinking? I just met him today.
I hope he didn't hear it.
Got to change the subject.
"So I was thinking, how about the restaurant Sia la luce for lunch?" I proposed.
"Ya sure, I heard it had good ratings and that it's also in the ski lodge," Reki exclaimed, opening the door. Then walking inside with me following behind.

The restaurant was small and the aroma of freshly made pasta filled the air-

~maple trees~
~Oooh oohh let's get the feelings~

Happy Easter Sunday!

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