20. Unrequited Love Under The Sakura

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"What do you mean you can't come with us?" Right how I'm in Marionette's hotel room. After our little siesta at the beach, we decided to visit the island's mini mall and by us, I meant Queen herself. Spade and Dark Eye called that they can't go again and they will come back soon but didn't say when. I tried inviting Master but he has different plans, same goes with Hachi and Roko.

Marionette put down her broom, which she is currently repairing it from the last incident, sighed and face me, "Because of someone broke my broom I need to fix it and from the looks of it, it'll take me the whole day"

I felt a slight pang of guilt when she mentioned 'someone' clearly referring to me. I sat on the soft bed of the hotel room next to her, "Come on Shorty Brat! It's the mall! I don't want to go with Ms. Shopaholic all alone. I need some companion"

"Then why don't you go with Dia then?"

"Ms. Shopaholic is Queen"

"If you're going with Dia then you don't need me as a companion now do you?" I tried to refute but she beat me to it as she continued, "If I remembered correctly, you don't want to go to the mall because you don't want to carry a handful of shopping bags. Then why would you need me for? Wouldn't you be more delighted that you're going with only one girl?"

Her tone is stoic matching with her face, blank and expressionless. I ponder on what she just said and find her logic. Wouldn't I be more delighted that I only have Queen to handle? With Marionette, I'll be handling two handful of shopping bags.

I stood up and twist the door knob open, "Since we're going to the mall is there anything you would like me to buy?" I asked, not facing her.


I heard some shuffling noises behind me and stop then it was quiet after that. Confused, I turn around and saw Marionette right infront of me, our noises touching each other. Heat rushed up to my face, "Sh-Shorty Bra-"

"Mirror. A hand mirror" she turn her back on me and resumed in fixing her broom.

I fumbled to find the door handle. When I felt something round and cold, I twist it before closing the door loudly behind me.


Heaving a sigh of relief, I place a hand on my chest and feel the rapid pace of my heartbeat.

Dang it! I'm having this weird feeling again.


"You're late!" Queen pointed her forefinger at me with a frown visible on her visage.

I slowly put her finger down away from my face and groan a little, "Yeah, yeah whatever. Let's just get this over with"

Queen twirl on her heels with arms spread out while her dress flowed with her actions and stop. She intertwine her fingers behind her while holding her pink purse, "Don't be so gloomy Joker. Mari and Hachi will be coming right?"

Form her question made me sigh heavier, "No, Hachi has plans and Shorty Brat is repairing her broom" I shove my hands to my pockets, "So it's just you and me"

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