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Eddie Pov

My 18th birthday is coming up soon. That's when you're first able to choose your sub. But I don't think I will. My best friend Gaege is a sub, and I have a small crush on him, but I don't want to make him do something he doesn't want to do. Which is the total opposite mentality of a dom. We're supposed to just do whatever we want. But I don't want to force anyone into doing something they're not comfortable with. But once you reach 18, for about 2 weeks the urge to have sex. It's kind of like how an animal goes into heat. But I'm just going to lock myself in my room for those 2 weeks. It's summer so I'm not expected to do anything. 

Gaege Pov

Eddie's 18th birthday is coming up soon. And we all know that when you turn 18 (if you're a dom), you first get to choose your sub. And a small part of me wants Eddie to choose me. I know it's not going to happen though. Doesn't matter how much I wish, he'll just see me as his best friend. He protects me like I'm his sub though. Whenever we're out in public, a lot of people ask if we're dating. But we're both still 17, so that wouldn't really be possible. We just look older I guess. Dom's go into this 2 week period after their birthday, which you already know about, so I think it will be weird if Eddie doesn't chose me because we hang out so much. It would be very awkward during that period. 

Both Pov

But Whatever You Want.

Hope you guys liked this! It's a new story, but there will be more soon! Luv you all!!!!!

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