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###your point of veiw###
"Okay so the first thing we're going to do is...." "Hello" I turn around to see the faceless wonder. "YOUR ALIVE!" Kaitlyn yells and circles him. "Kaitlyn what the Fuck are you doing?" Bonnie asks her. "I'm inspecting the damage." She says still circling. "GASP!!!" "What now?" I asked her. "His fluffy tail!" I look at where she's pointing and I drop to the ground sobbing. It's such a tragedy. His tail is gone.
The kids are coming in and it's time to start the show. "Welcome young emos! Today's show is a special one! Today we are honoring a death of someone dear to us. This Is FAKE YOUR DEATH!" Kaitlyn yelled into the microphone and we started our show. We played songs to honor the loss of Bonnies tail. "THANKS GUYS AND REMEMBER #RIPBONNIESTAIL!"
Later that night~
"Guys it was a bit much to hold a whole memorial concert for my tail." Bonnie said sighing. "That's what you think. That tail holds a large part of my heart." Kaitlyn said and walked away from us.
"So did you miss me?" I asked Bonnie. Both of us now in our human forms. "Yes." He said putting his head down in shame. "Awww, it's okay I missed you too!" I say hugging him tightly. "You know (y/n) I really like you, like, like like, you." He said awkwardly. I look up at him still in his arms. "Do you mean it?" He leans down and places his lips on mine. I deepen the kiss by softly biting his lower lip. He runs his tongue on my lip and I let him in.
"HELLO!" I release him and look over to see everyone sitting there. I can feel my dead face start to redden. "Ummm hi guys?" I say awkwardly. "Have fun sucking faces?" Kaitlyn asks smirking at me. "Yes?" I say wishing to crawl into a ball. "Okay. Just do your dirty shit in private next time." She says and they all leave the room. Except for Balloon Boy. "BALLOON BITCH GET THE FUCK OUT OF THERE AND LEAVE THEM TO SUCK FACE IN PEACE!" Kaitlyn yelled and Balloon shit took off running towards her. "That's what I fucking thought." I heard her say to the young latex fuckboy. I Shrug and go back to making out with my new boyfriend.


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