always a 'what if'

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I woke up with a headache I was still shocked by my dream

Don't get me wrong me and Zukoo were a couple and he would say he loved me all the time and I would say it back I already missed his hugs and kisses but then I remembered all the fighting the screaming and the heart break when he and mai kissed , it happened so long ago I hated it-hated how it affected me . I sometimes wish I could just say 'I'm done' and rip him out of my heart why can't I ?I gave a sad half smile my mother would say

'Love is once in a life time and sometimes it hurt your little heart but remember you only get one you have to fight if its the real thing...'

How right I wish my mom was here with me so she could hold me and tell me I'll be alright.

''Marryann are you alright?'' Aang said poking my shoulder I slightly jumped

''Huh?! Oh...yeah what?''

''Were at omashu! Come on its a cool earth village!'' He said with a toothy grin

'Such a cutie...'' I thought as I smiled

''Cool let's go Aang .''

''Yeah! Sokka and Katara are already off of Appa so come on!'' He said I slowly followed him when we got there well to the cliff overlooking the city Aang put his arms out and said

''That the earth kingdom of omashu I used to always come here to visit my friend boomy .''

''We don't have cities like that in the south pole...''Katara stated

''They have buildings that don't melt..'' Sokka said

''Its so cool.'' I said

We had to put Appa fur on Aang to make him look like a old man he was saying it was really itchy.

''Don't worry when some things uncomfortable just ignore it and it won't bother you anymore.'' I say softly looking down

''Yeah! Well let's go youngsters!'' Aang said walking like an old man. I giggled he was funny

When we came to the wall I was extremely grateful for the bandages that the kiyoshi warriors gave me to cover my scar. Mostly because of the guards at the gate they pulled a a gaint bolder only for Aang go all 'I'm a crazy old man!' And they just told Katara to watch Aang and keep him out of trouble.

And we were in

I have no idea how it happened but we were in the mail shooter thing and did I ever mention I love getting a thrill? Especially when it involves heights I was smiling like I was mad!

''LETS GO I WANNA GOOOOO,''I said exsited for some thrill the only thrill I got with zuko was us making out and not getting caught...what two teens sharing a room who are a couple what do you think is gonna happen?

Anyway I was screaming my lungs out laughing it was much fun going up and down we trashed the whole village! I was laughing and saying

''AGAIN AGAIN AAAAGGGGGAAAIIIINNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" We were cover with cabbages oh I loved that rush! But Katara had different ideas

''NO please.'' Katara said I pouted and agreed while we were taken away to this old guy that looked crazy! at the same time he looked at Aang weirdly

The guards told him about what we did and blahblah blah

He said

''Throw them........ A feast!'' I just looked at him and thought 'yeah he's crazy...'

I ate my food quietly they had amazing things here I saw the king and sokka share in the same lame jokes that make me laugh because there soooo bad. But yeah this guy was definalty crazy he made us stay the night oh but I got to sleep in a bed was cold and I didn't sleep... I just layed there good thing I was used to this when zuko was training sometimes all night I wouldn't sleep I can go 3 or more days with out sleep until I pass out from lack of sleep.. I thought about stuff that I never really thought of like if I had stayed with zuko I would be asleep in his arms with my long hair my head on his neck him rubbing slow circles on my back making my eyes droop and whispering sweet nothing in my ear... I hadn't realized my body was asleep but my mind wasnt we went and Aang started with his challenges


As I gathered the rock candy I heard what they said

'Is the fire nation really .THAT hated?, I know we have done bad things but still not all of the people are bad...'

I sadly thought then I felt the burn and pain in forearm

'No they need to be brought to there knees they need to pay for what they have done!'' We took one last ride I got to talk to boomy he's heaps fun for a 112 year old guy but at the end of the day we had to go home.

Zuko's lovely servent (avatar the last air bender fanfics) Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now