Chapter 6

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                I tuck my laptop under my arm once more to keep it from slipping as I make my way to the lounge in the center of the hotel. Quickening the pace I walked faster so I wouldn’t miss the little time I had to Skype David. Because of the three hour time difference, we had some trouble finding a right time to chat face to face given the fact that he had his studies to keep track of. The first time we skyped it was a total disaster. I practically had to wait three hours until he could log in, because I totally forgot about his massive weight of homework and time difference between us. Plus I was skyping in my hotel room, so Cynthia, being the female dog she was, interrupted our skype session by getting in the middle of it to try to “talk” to David while practically forcing him to look at her ginormous boobs that were popping out for her lame excuse of a shirt. This time taking all precautions, looked around the lobby to make sure there were no possible interruptions before I logged in to see my boyfriend smiling on the screen.

               “Hey David,” I said as I waved into the screen. People were most likely looking at me like I was some weirdo waving at a blank screen, but I didn’t care. I finally got to see David’s face that I have been longing for. Though it has only been a week it still felt way to long, for he was my rock and I don’t know what I would do without him.

               “Hi Rach,” he said with a smile that lit up my whole world, “How’s it going over there?”

               “Great,” I replied with the slightest sarcasm. I mentally crossed my fingers hoping he didn’t detect that, but like always…

               “Come on love,” he said as the screen buffered allowing me to only hear him as the screen stopped his face in midsentence. Which was pretty great, because he looked like a total idiot that looked like who was about to sneeze. He is too adorable. “I have known you since we were ten years old. What is going on?”

               I sighed since he caught me red handed which caused me to explain everything that has happened: my new roommate (which he saw that one time. Though I couldn’t explain that incident, for she shut off the computer before we could even say goodbye to each other) and the battles that is to come.

               “Did you at least make any friends?” he asked as he rested his chin on the palm of his hand.

               “As a matter a fact I made two,” I replied with a smug look on my face.

               “Congratulations,” David said sarcastically as he clapped his hands on the screen, “You now deserve a gold star.”

               “Shut up,” I said with a giggle.

               “I miss that,” he whispered so softly that I could barely here it.

               “Miss what?” I asked confusingly.

               “That laugh,” he said dreamily, “It has been forever since I heard that beautiful sound.”

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