Chapter 5

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               “RING!!!! RING!!!! RING!!!” I snuggled into my covers even to try to pretend the alarm wasn’t there and I had a few more hours to sleep. Though unlike the rest today were we could spend the day in the hotel doing whatever we wanted, today was the day when we were supposed to get to know who we were battling today.

               “HEY BITCH,” screeched out my roommate, “YOUR SUPPOSED TO GET THE ALARM!!!”

               “Okay Cynthia,” I groaned. Taking my time to personally irritate my “beloved” roommate.

               “Ugh you take forever,” she said sat up from her bed with her night mask on that read Beauty Sleep. I scoffed as I pressed the button to turn the alarm off that now read 6:03. Girl there is nothing beautiful under that mask.

               “I am taking the shower first,” Cynthia said as she locked the shower door before I could say anything. It hasn’t even been a week living with her and I still can’t stand her. I could never forget the day she walked in with her skimpy outfit and heels that she probably wore to her audition. She just looked at me for one second and said, “I didn’t know they allowed junior high kids to audition. You’re probably on Team Blake. He practically pities the young excuses for a singer.”

               We haven’t even done a performance yet and she thinks she is this big shot just because she is in her early twenties, goes to a performing art school, and had a four chair turn. It was just the icing on the cake when she said that she too was on Team Pharrell. Like usual I gathered all my clothes beforehand, ripped black skinny jeans, a 5SOS band tee, and my babies (black converse).

               After an eternity the bathroom door opened revealing Cynthia with her pink bathroom towel that she had to pull a few hairs from the maids too let her have. Talk about high maintenance. I sprinted towards the bathroom only to be engulfed by the mass amount of steam that was left by the she wolf. I made sure this time I locked the door, because last time Cynthia took my towels. And yet she thinks I am the immature one. Once I got in the shower I couldn’t help but dwell on my family back in Chicago.

I have called Grandma a couple of times and even with the amount of worry that overwhelms me, she always says that everything is fine over there. I was so desperate I even asked about Marely who I swear is part werewolf. Every time she says sorry she is that she can’t make it to my future performances because of work. Though every time I say that it is okay and we need the money. She works too hard, and one day I want to repay back everything that she has done and given me.

As I finished with the shower I dried myself and my hair with the connected hair dryer that was in the wall. I usually just put my hair in a braid but I looked at myself in the mirror and said, “Rachel you are going to feel pretty today.” I know a lot of people say that I am so lucky to have my red hair, but it is so curly and frizzy that I don’t know how to tame it. With that being said I usually just put it in a braid, but now today. After a grueling hour and a half I got it to a straight silky look, making sure to put hair products in my hair before to keep it natural and fresh of course.

Once I changed I got out of the bathroom to see Cynthia putting the final touches on her raccoon like makeup. I should have known she would have gone all out as usual. She was wearing a leather mini skirt, a pink crop top that stopped just above her belly button, and heels that screamed torcher.

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