Pre-Hogwarts Preparations Part I

Start from the beginning

"I would also like to open a trust vault under the name Noir. If what you say about my vaults is true then I would like to transfer a monthly allowance of 100 galleons per month from each vault. The base deposit being 500 galleons."

"Very well, consider it done Mr. Noir. This card allows you to access your vaults without having to visit the bank, it will automatically switch to muggle currency."

"Thank you for your time, how much do I owe?" Henri asked as he took the card and stood up.

"For the heritage test- 5 galleons, add in the five percent service fee- you owe us a total of 5 galleons, 4 sickles, and 7 knuts."

"Remove it from the Noir trust vault."

"Once again consider it done Mr. Noir."

"I bid you farewell. May your gold overflow and may your enemies cower at your feet" Harry said as he bowed.

"Farewell to you as well Mr. Noir, may your gold overflow and may your enemies cower at your feet." And Harry left the room.

First things first, he needed to sort out his wardrobe. Thank goodness, he brought his basilisk hide armour through time as he didn't think he would want to buy one in this time or slay the basilisk once again. He also had his wand in his wand holster, perhaps he could get another wand as there were no records that he had a wand in this time. He could get a second wand and hide his first wand. It was with these thoughts in mind that he walked to Ollivander's wand shop.

As he walked into the shop, he was hit with a wave of nostalgia, remembering the first time he stepped foot into this place. He gave a small jump when Ollivander suddenly appeared.

"Fancy seeing you here Mr. Potter-Black" Ollivander greeted. Harry paled as the words sunk in before righting himself.

"I'm afraid you got my name wrong, my last name is Noir, Mr. Ollivander" Harry stated coolly, trying to play off his nerves.

"Yes yes, it isn't often that one encounters a time traveller. How may I help you Mr. Noir?" was Ollivander's nonchalant reply. Harry's face lost even more color if that was even possible.

"You're not going to report me are you?" Harry asked calmly, with a dangerous undertone. Ollivander just looked unaffected.

"Of course not Mr. Noir, I'm not able to. Besides, who would believe me?" Ollivander said with a dismissive wave of his hand though Harry still looked a bit unnerved.

"Then perhaps, you would know what I came here for sir."

"Yes yes, come along" Ollivander said as he went to the back and remerged with boxes of wands. Almost instantly, two boxes flew to him. Ollivaner opened each box and stated clearly. "Holly and Phoenix feather 11 inches, the wand you currently have . Holly and thestral hair thirteen inches, excellent for duelling, rather fitting for someone like you."

"I'm not allowed to have the second wand, am I?" Harry asked, eyeing the boxes uncertainly.

"According to Ministry standards, that would be true. However, I work for myself and so I will allow you to purchase the two wands as you have already bonded with them."

"Thank you sir" Harry said gratefully before asking the fifty years younger version of the Ollivanders he knew "How much do I owe you?" He knew it likely wouldn't be seven galleons per wand in this era as seven galleons was worth a lot more in this time due to inflation in the future. If he did the math right with an average of a 2% inflation rate in the wizarding Britain each year, 7 galleons should be enough for the two wands. However, Grindelwald's war could have caused hyperinflation, causing the price to possibly be 14 galleons per wand, he seriously hoped it wasn't so.

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