Chapter 1 : An Unexpected Guest

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Thalia's POV

Thalia awoke, slowly rubbing her eyes and taking in her surroundings. She was in Cabin 1 at Camp Half-Blood, as she and Reyna had taken a few days off from the Hunt.

In all honesty, Thalia was getting tired of being in the Hunt. It wasn't that she didn't love the Hunter, it was just the fact that, since the war with Gaea, there were less monsters, which meant less to do, which meant more time spent with her friends and family at Camp Half-Blood and Camp Jupiter.

That wasn't the problem, though. The problem was, the more time she spent with her friends, the more she realised that she would have to watch the people closest to her grow old and die, while she stayed her immortal little self. Thalia couldn't think about it without getting to the verge of tears.

Reyna was really the only on keeping her on her feet. Ever since she had joined the Hunt, the two girls had practically been attached by the hip, doing everything together.

Unfortunately, Thalia had felt herself develop feelings for her new best friend, which caused her mind to go into a frenzy. Luckily, Thalia was able to keep her feelings at Bay most of the time.

When Thalia had told Reyna about the whole immortality situation, Reyna simply sat in silence for about a minute, staring into the distance (Thalia had gotten used to it, as Reyna did it quite often and she looked very cute), before turning back to Thalia and agreeing with her.

They talked for an hour about what life would be like without the Hunt. Finally being able to spend all their time with their friends, maybe even have a somewhat normal life and join the others at college in Camp Jupiter. Reyna had come out to her during that conversation, as Thalia asked about relationships. Thalia would never admit it to anyone, but she felt her stomach flutter with hope for a moment.

Thalia was knocked out of her thoughts and back into the real world when she heard the cabin door open. She turned towards it and saw a familiar face come inside.

"Hey you," Reyna said, striding towards her. "Thinking about it again?" she asked, not bothering to clarify what it was, she knew that Thalia knew what she meant.

Thalia simply nodded in response.

"Don't worry, we'll find a way. We always have, we always will, together." Reyna promised, sitting down on Thalia's bed and resting a hand in the smaller girl's shoulder.

Thalia couldn't help but smile. She loved the fact that Reyna could brighten her mood instantly, no matter how gloomy a day it was.

"Now come on, we got some breakfast to eat!" Reyna announced, pulling Thalia up and towards the cabin door.

Thalia was so caught up with the fact that they were holding hands, that she almost forgot that she was still wearing pyjamas. Almost.

"Wait! I need to get changed, Rey." Thalia said, smirking at the nickname she loved using.

"Do I get to watch?" Reyna asked, turning around and raising a brow with a smirk of her own.

Thalia rolled her eyes but she could feel herself blush.

"Just gimme a moment." Thalia said, grabbing her ripped jeans and "death to Barbie" shirt, her usual attire. She changed quickly and put on her combat boots before stepping outside, Reyna beside her.

The pair walked towards the dining pavilion in comfortable silence, occasionally bumping into each other on purpose with a light chuckle.

They grabbed some food and sat at the Jupiter table, eating, still in silence. That was, until Jason slid in next to Thalia.

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