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I was mad. It wasn't that I cared even a little that Sage punched Niall, he's a big boy he can take it. I'm mad because Sage still won't do what I say. Won't follow any of my orders even with threats.

I've threatened her with death multiple times and every single opportunity she gets she disobeys me. It's almost like she likes the thrill of angering me. She strives of pushing my buttons. She's fucking good at it too, better than anyone.

Fucking stupid that is.

She's crying beside me, gentle sniffles that she's trying to hide. Clearly embarrassed. Her head facing the road clearly distraught.

I drove here because it's practically deserted and I knew there was a limited amojmr of time I could keep her locked in that room. I keep my eyes on the road trying to resist my overwhelming fury.

" Where are we going, Harry?" Sage's voice is engulfed by terror. Her hands twitch nervously against her legs a habit she religiously follows. Her shoulders are hunched and her eyes are glued to the window. This would be much more fun if she looked at me.

" Secret. " I reply. I want her suspense to be maximised. She doesn't try and push an answer out of me. Another thing I've noticed about Sage, she doesn't ask too many questions which I thought she would.

It's almost like she knows I'm not good at giving answers.

A slight panic washes over me as I see a car approaching us slowly. Shit. I don't have time to speed past him and I just pray that Sage doesn't start attracting attention. I can't get caught.

That's not an option.

But to my shock, she reaches out and bangs harshly on the window. Her thuds are louder than expected and for a moment I freeze. Every bang making me want to kill her more and more.

The car luckily speeds past us. An old man wanting nothing to do with the chaotic car beside it. I can tell on Sage's face she knows she's fucked.

She's correct.

I'm more frustrated than ever before. When I took Sage I thought I was kidnapping the shaky, lonely blond girl who hides from the world. I thought the girl beside me would be a quivering coward who would give in to my every demand. People usually do what I say, because they know what happens when they don't.

Sage knows too but something isn't clicking in her brain. How far deep she's in now. She's messing with the wrong person. The girl beside me doesn't realize something.

She doesn't realize that I was born with an insatiable hunger for destruction.

And the only way I can show her is by my actions. I suddenly know where to go. " That was a fucking stupid move on your behalf. "

She ignores me but I can tell she agrees. " Your angry I get it, but anger makes you stupid and stupid gets you killed. " She squirms slowly in her seat before looking up at me.

She meets my eyes and we lock together. Her bright blue eyes are coated with tears. There completely bloodshot. However, their dangerously empty clearly and screaming for help. I could stare at them all day. I could live off nothing else by them.

I pull over the car at our destination. Usually, I would've killed Sage the second she started banging on that window but it's much more fun this way. A-game.

I love games because I always win.

" Get out of the car Sage." She immediately opens the door and steps out. She's obviously more scared than earlier which is understandable.

Trial 09    [ harry styles ]Where stories live. Discover now