Getting everyone checked out

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"Well today is the day I am going to be adopting," he says as he got up to get ready cause he had a lot to do

Logan got the lights on a timer, so they would turn on when he came back, or he could turn them on from his phone cause he wanted the house to light up when he came home cause it was a joyful day

"The bags are in the car time to go," he says as he headed out so he could get to the orphanage in time

Logan stopped at the toy store to get a toy for each car seat, so the little ones would feel comfortable as he was bringing them home from the orphanage

"Okay the toy is in the car seats and ready now time to go to the orphanage," he says as he gets back into his car to head to the orphanage

Logan was on cloud nine as he was driving to the orphanage to get his little one and bring them home cause this was a long time coming for him cause he wanted to feel complete, and it was the perfect timing too cause of the holidays and everything


Logan pulls up to the orphanage and he looks at the building that was before him and he got out slowly as he got out, he saw a strange man go into the orphanage and he had a gun on him

"It's best I stay out here," he says as he was going to stay outside

Logan got out to see if any of the girls were going to come out cause of the shooting that was happening inside the building right now

"I better call the cops," he says as he was going to call the cops to report this cause this was simply wrong in his book for someone to go in and shoot at innocent little girls

The cops were on the way after Logan phoned it in

"I hope they hurry," Logan says as he stays outside, and he was going to wait in his car with the window down so he could count how many shots were fired at the kids right now and that scared him right now

Soon he sees two girls come out from hiding cause they feared what was happening in their home right now

"Girls it's okay," he says as he was going to hold them close right now

Logan still hugged them close cause this was too real for him

"What's your names?" he asks them cause he needed to know their names cause they were going to be his girls of this was over

"Violina and Oceana," the girls say as they were looking at Logan right now cause they were really scared out of their minds, and they were able to escape through a secret passage

"Those are really pretty names how old are you girls?" he asks them

"We three," the girls say to him as the police officers came to go in after the shooter that was still in the building right now

"You girls are young anymore in there like hiding?" he asks them cause he was worried that the others won't be able to get out like these two were able to get out on their own

"The young ones," Oceana says as she looks at him right now cause she was scared out of her mind right now

"Okay just wondering," he says as he was waiting for all clear to go in cause he was going to take the ones that made it and were safe right now cause he had a gut feeling that most of the girls were gone and the gunman got to them before he could even see if they were going to be perfect no matter what happens

Logan held the two girls close to him the whole time cause he was scared for all the girls in that orphanage right now and what may happen to them as well cause it was scary that many of them might be dead.

"Stay with me," he tells them

The girls stay with him cause they were really scared out of their minds right now of what was happening around them cause they were not liking it at all they wanted the shooting to end and by the sound of things the shooting was not going to be stopping anytime soon either

"I hope the cops come fast," he says as he was looking at his watch cause he called them a while ago and they weren't there at all so with every passing second another life might be gone from this earth and one less girl he could adopt cause he was going to adopt all of the survivors right now cause those girls were going to need a home and a place to stay as well in the long run as well and they were the perfect kids for him cause had fallen in love with the two that were outside with him at the moment more

Logan was hoping that the others were able to find shelter in the orphanage right now with the shooter being at large right now


The police officers arrived, and they went inside the orphanage to get the gunman and arrest him or shoot him and they ended up shocking him and he dropped the gun right away and they took him out of the orphanage

"The gunman got the owners and many of the girls died from their injuries and the little ones were able to hide safely from the shooting, so once one of our cops go in, they will bring the ones that are safe out," the police officer tells Logan

Logan waited for all clear to go in and get the ones that needed a new home and get them out of there as well and see if they were injured

"Once we get all of the bodies out you may go in and get who is left cause they are still hiding," the officer says as the squads came for the bodies and get them out

"Okay sounds good I can wait I have two that need me," Logan says as he was spending time together with the two, he had so far

"There were 8 other little ones that go into their hiding spot, and I know where they are" Oceana says to Logan right now cause she was the most scared right now as she saw bags go into the orphanage and she thought the worst right now with all those little obese that were inside that could not hide for no money right now even if they could be easily spotted for anything right now

"Maybe you can go in and get them if you know the hiding spots," Logan tells her cause if she knows where they are she will be the one to know if they are okay or not and if they were injured as well

The police officers let Oceana go in and she was able to find the girls that were in hiding and all of them were okay and not harmed at all which was a relief off everyone shoulders right now

"Here they are, and they are just fine," she says as she comes out with the little ones hooked onto her

The police officer was going to have an ambulance take the ones who weren't hurt to the hospital to see if they were okay cause they had some bruises on them and that worried the officer right now like a lot

"Mr. Henderson you can head to the hospital and these ones will be there soon," the cop tells them

Logan was going to head there and get the girls registered under their new names that he had for them cause he was going to change their names cause he did not want them to have the name that they had when they came to the orphanage cause he did not want them to remember the name that they had when the gun man came and open fire and fired shot at the orphans that could not try to run away faster to find shelter from the gun fire that the was coming from the guns that the gun man had with him 


Logan pulled into one of the spots by the emergency room and he headed in to get all the girls registered and the ones who did not make it and the ones that were fighting for their lives and the ones that were fighting for their life right now were going to get seen first and go into surgery if they need surgery to fix what damage that was done by the gun man and the ones who died they were going to be checked to see if they still had a good pulse and he was hoping they were going to be okay

Part 2 is coming next week for sure no doubt

Part 2 is up

Going to wish everyone a happy Easter we will continue in the future again when I am off or my vacation

Part 3 is coming 

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