"Shu-ten you bastard!"

A loud yell echoed through the corridors as laughter rang out as well. A male ran through the hallways as a black haired girl chased after him with a red aura.

Palace servants moved away to the sides as they hadn't wishes to be involved in their banter. Some chuckled, some sighed while some just watched in amusement.

"What is with this commotion?" Abi said as he peeked out of his room window.

His golden eyes watched as Shu-ten ran past his window and soon a split second later, Verena ran past as well. He rose an eyebrow before sighing.

"Hiryuu they are fighting again!" Zeno yelled as his voice echoed through the castle walls.

"Again?" Hiryuu said as he placed the shōgi piece upon the board.

"Isn't already the eighth time this week?" Gu-en groaned as he once again lost in the game.

"Perhaps you should stop them." Abi said as he slipped into the room.

"Greetings Hiryuu."

"Hello Abi."

"I think they'll be fine." Hiryuu smiled.

That was when it became silent. While Hiryuu smiled, Gu-en and Abi exchanged concerned glances knowing it wasn't normal for it to become silent all of a sudden.

"See they're fine-"

"HIRYUU SAMA THE BACK GARDEN IS ON FIRE AND LADY VERENA IS ABOUT TO KILL SHU-TEN SAMA!" A maid burst into the room with panicked eyes as smoke flew upwards and the three looked at the black smoke.

"Oh dear...." Abi said covering his mouth with his sleeves.

"That can't be good." Gu-en got up.

While Hiryuu was just frozen in stone.

"My precious castle....." That was all Hiryuu said before he crumbled.


"Are you even surprised?"

"Have those two stopped yet?"

"Now, both of you say sorry to each other

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"Now, both of you say sorry to each other." Hiryuu said as Shu-ten and Verena sat infront of him, facing each other.

Abi, Gu-en and Zeno watched, standing from behind Hiryuu.

"Why should I apologise to this twerp?!" Shu-ten grumbled.

"Shu-ten." Hiryuu said and Shu-ten stiffened.

"I'm sorry." The green dragon apologised.

"Verena, your turn." Hiryuu looked at the girl.

"No." She said and got up.

"THIS LITTLE-" Shu-ten was about to get up but froze when a blade was held against his neck.

"Get up and you die. Know your place Shu-ten." She glared down at him, her unsheathed sword against his skin.

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