the first day

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1st Sept 1998.

Before Angel left the house, she was already crying. The poor girl didn't want to leave the comfort of her mum and dad. Ever since she was brought into the world, Eddie and Gina McGregor have moved heaven and earth for their bundle of joy. She was sheltered and protected from the rest of the world. Angel hated playgroup and only lasted a few months before her parents couldn't bear seeing her cry every morning and ended up pulling her out but they knew that she needed to start school and grow up a bit.

"It's only a few hours, Angie. You will be home soon," Gina cooed, wiping away her daughter's tears and trying to hold back her own.

"Mama, I don't want to go," four-year-old Angel hiccupped, tears still flowing down her cheeks as she gripped her mother's cardigan tightly. She couldn't describe why she didn't want to leave her parents — she was too young to understand what separation anxiety was.

"You can meet new friends and have playdates," her mother encouraged, trying to stay positive but if Angel cried anymore, Gina might even suggest homeschooling her. She wasn't ready to see her little girl grow up so fast.

"I don't want new friends," she wept, her voice croaking already, "I just want mama and dada."

Gina frowned. She was out of ideas on what to do, there was no way Angel could go to school crying like this. Eddie was upstairs getting ready for work and Gina was tasked with calming the child down so they could finally send her to school.

"Any luck?" Eddie called down from upstairs.

"Daddy!" Angel cried out, "I don't want to go to school!"

Seconds later, her dad was descending the stairs while tying his baby blue tie. Once the tie was fixed, he swooped young Angel up in his arms and rocked her back and forth while attempting to bribe the child, "What about we go shopping for some new paints? Mummy and I can teach you how to paint some animals?"

A smile immediately fell on the young girl's face and she brought her hands together to clap excitedly while nodding, "Yes! Yes! I want to paint a hippo!"

"But you have to go to school first okay?" He said as sternly as he possibly could.

"Okay," she stopped clapping but a smile remained on her face and the tears had finally stopped.

However, when Eddie turned around to look at Gina, he saw the raised eyebrows. He only offered an apologetic smile when he remembered the last time they bought paints, Angel spent the entire afternoon putting handprints on every wall in the living room. Walking over with Angel still on his hip, he pressed his lips against his wife's cheek.

"Ew daddy, gross," Angel's face screwed up in disgust. "Yucky."

"One for Angie too," her parents said as they both leaned in to kiss their daughter's cheek which sent her into a fit of giggles, her earlier tantrum already forgotten.

Last Christmas, Eddie had bought his wife a Canon PowerShot digital camera knowing how much she enjoyed photographs and loved her disposable cameras. It was a very expensive purchase but it was well worth it. They have captured so many memories over the last year and know they have so many more memories to capture in the years to come. Gina had the camera ready so they could take some photos of Angel for her first day of Primary School and some family photos so they could put some up.

Stepping back from Eddie and Angel, Gina held her camera up to take a photo of her husband and daughter. Calling out, she prepped them for a countdown before she released the shutter, "Say cheese in three, two, one..."

A bright flash went off that sent Angel in another fit of giggles and the small family all took turns in taking photos until it was time to leave for school. A frown made its way onto Angel's face again when her mum handed her a small pink backpack and a pink lunchbox to match. Her first day was only until midday but still, her mum packed a few snacks for break. An apple, some grapes and a yoghurt pot. She also snuck a couple of Freddo bars in a zipped compartment in her lunchbox, hoping that she will share them with a friend if she makes any.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2021 ⏰

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