19. the cast

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They pulled up to Richard's designated parking spot and just sat their for a minute. Even though it was Hailee who suggested she meet his second family, the closer they got the worse the butterflies got.

"They're going to love you" Richard said suddenly seeing how nervous his bestfriend looked. Hailee turned to meet his gaze and smiled. He didn't know why, but in this moment he decided that grabbing her hand to comfort her was the best option. It felt right and although a small gesture they both thought to themselves that it meant so much more.

Richard was the first to open the car door and made his way to Hailee's side opening the door for her. She climbed out using his hand for support but didn't let go. From that moment onwards she was keeping Richard by her side.

The pair made their way to the side entrance that followed a small narrow corridor all the way to the open planned set. Huge green screens and set decorations filled the wherehouse looking room that the cast were stood in. Lizzie had told them all about Richards text and decided to gather everyone in same room.

Before they reached the end of the corridor to greet everyone Hailee's feet came to a halt.

"What's wrong?" Richard asked with his hand still locked in hers.

"Nothing, it's... well... there's just so many of them, you know?" Hailee said quietly.
Richard smiled and squeezed her hand to which she just looked up at him.

"They already like you, i must warn you though... when you get more comfortable around them they are very loud"
Hailee chucked at his answer before nodding and pushing the door open.

All eyes quickly turned to their direction and the set fell silent. For the second time Hailee squeezed Richards hand as though it was a warning for how nervous she had got.

"Your here!" Lizzie said as she almost ran over the to them. She was the first to hug Hailee which was reciprocated and they greeted one another - instantly feeling as though they were friends.

"Uhh guys, this here is Hailee" Richard said nervously. They began to walk over the the group of people consisting of Scarlet, Anthony, Sebastian, Tom, Chris, Jeremy and Robert.

"Hi" Hailee said motioning a small wave to them and they all said their hellos and smiled in return.

"So glad to finally meet you" Scarlet said. Her too, also feeling as though the girls would become this inseparable trio.

"You too" Hailee chuckled. "i do have some news to share" She added before looking back at Richard.

"I'm pretty sure you've all heard that i'm here for the endgame audition..." She paused looking to each individuals for confirmation. By now her and Richard were side by side but their hands were no longer linked. "Well... I got the part!" She added i'm excitement.

Omg!" Lizzie and Scarlett screamed running a short distance to engulf Hailee in a tight hug.

A round of Congratulations and Well done's were heard. Hailee seemed to make it the whole way round the group when they offered her a celebratory hug. It was then that she realised Richard hadn't said anything and a sense of worry overcame her. Suddenly she felt as though Richard could be mad at her for not telling him privately but that soon faded because as soon as she was done with be congratulated by everyone Richard picked her up and spun her around.

A huge smile formed on both their faces as he slowly put her down. They kept eye contact as they stood inches apart. Forgetting they had an audience Richard spoke up.

"You got the part?" He whispered

"i did" She smiled.

"That's great Hails" He pulled her into a tight squeeze again.

Little did they remember that the other 7 cast members stood back to watch the scene. Scarlett and Lizzie smirked at each other, both making a mental note to ask their new friend about this later.

Robert being the person he is, decided to cough unnecessarily loud so that Hailee and Richard broke apart - this earned him a slap from Scarlett though. Eventually Richard looked away to see his friends faces and blushed slightly.

"I think this wonderful news calls for a celebratory dinner tonight" Robert said to make up for the stupid behaviour.

"Count us in" Chris replied as an answer for everyone.

"See you all at 7 then!" Robert said before making his way to his trailer.

"So can i stay with you then?... if that's okay?" Hailee asked as they walked back to the car.

"Of course you can, i still can't believe we're going to work together again" Richard answered, unable to wipe the smile from his face.

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