13. plane ride

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It was 5am when Hailee got woken up and to say she was tired was an understatement. Her body was being shaken as she gradually opened her eyes.

"Hailee, come on you have to get up otherwise we're going to miss the plane" His voice was soft but it didn't stop her from sitting straight up in shock. She realised she wasn't in her usual apartment but in his, in Richard's.

"What? What time is it?" she asked groggily.

"Almost 5am, you need to be quick" he replied, sticking out his hand to help her out of his bed.

"How did I end up here. I didn't even get drunk" Hailee said and she moved around his apartment looking for the clothes she remembered leaving out. He saw them and handed them to her. Their hands brushed together and their eyes locked, granted it was the early hours of the day, but this didn't stop the spark they felt. Over the past 4 months they hung out almost every day, getting closer than before. 4 years had passed since he played the Prince to her Ella but throughout the time they filmed mamma mia 2 it felt as though no time had passed.

Richard was the first to pull away. "Uhhh, well lets see... you knocked on the door until I opened, confessed your love for me and then well... maybe that's for another time" Richard answered with a serious tone and a wink. This didn't fool Hailee for she just laughed and punched his arm.

"Ow! fine! fine!" he added so Hailee would stop.
"You really were exhausted" Hailee nodded and let Richard continue.
"The dinner, last night? it ended near midnight and we got a taxi but you looked tired so I let you crash. Didn't expect you to end up in my bed though" He stated but smiled. Hailee blushed before looking down at her feet and walked to his en suite.

It was nearing 7am and the pair were sat at their gate waiting for their plane to be called out so they could finally board it.

"I dont know why I got up 2 hours early and im not even on the plane home yet" Hailee groaned and let her head fall onto Richard's shoulder. The airport seemed to be fairly empty but that wasn't a surprise as Summer break didn't start for another 2 weeks.

"Remind me next time to carry you here asleep so I dont have to listen to you whine" Richard chuckled.

For the second time today Hailee blushed, next time, played over and over in her head. Of course she wanted a next time but it had been nearly a year from when she got the role and now even though they were spending a week in London, they wouldn't see each other for a few months until the release of the movie.

Her mind raced as she realised Richard would have asked her out by now right? She was knocked out her own mind when they heard their gate being called.

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