I quickly skip through the video to find it and boom

Found it

"Yo Harry she kind of looks like your ex" Jj shouts and all the lads burst into laughter causing Harry to bury his head in his hands in embarrassment

"Nah man she doesn't" tobi replies looking confused

"If she did look like her then she would be a multi millionaire too" Ethan laughs causing them all to laugh in hysterics together

"Guys I can hear you all! Shut up" Harry shouts behind him to the line of them

"I'm sorry, you don't look like her and even if you did it would hurt me deep down" he says to her as he clutches his chest with a hint of sarcasm

"Aww Harry is still hurt" Simon jokes

"I actually hate you lot" Harry says as he sighs in frustration as he walks himself over to the 'no' side

I glance back to the magazine and how did they take that as we could possibly rekindle ?

I'm with Mason and I don't know who Harry is with, if anyone so why try and speculate like that

Who knows anymore

[ H A R R Y ]

I'm settling down for the Chelsea match and all I've done today is film moresidemen gaming videos which has been fun because I have kind of not interacted with the world through streaming or social media

It feels good

I turn on the tv to catch the build up and I see the cameras keep panning to someone in the stands who is being mobbed by lots of people

I turn the volume up to hear what's going on as whoever it is is causing a commotion

It's not until she lifts her sunglasses up off her face that I realise

It's Nylah

Supporting her stupid boyfriend

No actually I can't call him stupid because he is a good baller but for god sake

Anytime I saw him playing, which is weekly

I am always reminded of her and now I actually have to see her there too

As if the constant reminder looking at him wasn't enough

"Alright lad?" Freezy asks as he jumps onto the couch next to me to watch the match

"Not fucking really" I reply snappy

"Why? They haven't lost yet" he chuckles grabbing a pillow to hug

""Less of the yet. And look who's there" I say as I point to the tv with the remote

I see him look up and notice it's Nylah

"Thought you didn't care and have moved on? Why you so bothered" he asks smirking

"I'm not. It's just.. wait this means she is back in London for the first time in years" I say realising suddenly

"Bro you only just clocked that? It's been on the socials all day that she's back here. They were photographed at Joe's" he says shrugging

Joe's is a restaurant Nylah and I both went to when we were together

Well it's official name was Joe's Allen Restaurant but we just shortened it to Joe's

It's where I asked her to be my girlfriend

"What the fuck were they there for?" I scoff

"Harry for someone who isn't bothered you're really letting it ruin your mood" freezy laughs to himself

"I'm glad you find it funny" I respond

I may be overreacting and I'm not mad at the fact she is with him going on dates and shit

It's just the fact that we went there a lot and it was our place and now she is just overwriting those memories with him

There are thousands of restaurants in London they could've gone to

Found their own restaurant

But no

Has to steal ours



Hope you're enjoying this so far

I just wanna say thank u so much for all of the love you've shown this story

The reads, the votes, the comments

They all mean a lot

Thank u <3

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