Part 9- The Calm Before the Storm

Start from the beginning

"Oh, I sent them to Shaker along with Emily.." Snehita said and traced a pattern on Kevin's bare arm.

"Earthquake?" The King asked.


"Maybe earthquake will be our always."

Snehita burst out laughing and punched Kevin in the shoulder. "Kevin your a foo."

"I'm your foo." Kevin winked, or at least attempted to wink at Snehita.

Suddenly, there was a large crash at the lounge door, and a young man, that probably looked around twenty-ish, burst through wearing a worn Calvary uniform. Snehita and Kevin quickly ended thei spooning session and sat upright as fast as they could.

"Erm...." the rider gulped and tried to avoid eye contact.

Snehita blushed and her face turned crimson red.

Kevin cleared his throat and tried to sound kingly. "Ahem.. er.. yes. What is your name rider?"

"It's Jacob, my lord." The rider responded with a nod toward both the King and the Queen.

"And what's the matter?" Snehita replied; she twirled a strand of black hair with her pointer finger.

Jacob recounted the events that unfolded at the execution platform, as well as the attempted assassination.

"WHAT?" The Queen stood up and said in a raised voice.

"Wait your saying... a person tried to kill me??" Kevin also got up and shrugged off the cape he was wearing.

"Yes Sir...." Jacob nodded again.

"And Sara.....the royal... one of our own... killed an officer as well as the sentries and freed the person that tried to kill me?"

Jacob nodded again, slowly this time.

Kevin had seen people punished through execution before. It was a grizzly process but Sara was stone cold. She was probably one of the toughest girls he'd ever seen. Not even flinching when the blood splattered onto her uniform or face.

But, she had freed the person that would have been his murderer at the cost of killing some of Kevin's own men.

The King shook his head, and ran a hand through his hair.

"This can't be right... Sara's one of us. A Bryne. Where was she last spotted?"

Jacob shifted his feet. "Near Lening River, badly wounded. We have four riders in hot pursuit. Led by Alison."

Kevin crossed his arms. "So I presume Tomus is with her?" The two siblings were inseparable.

"Yes Sir."

"Alright. I want a squad of rider with me, you included. Seashell Alison and find a rendezvous point. I need to resolve this matter myself." The King answered and turned back around to Snehita.

Jacob gave a salute and quickly walked out. He phoned Alison right when he entered the corridor.

"Kev, I'm coming with you!." Snehita said, and arched her eyebrows.

"Snehita some ones gotta watch Astrophel when I'm gone. You have to stay. I'm sorry."

"Frowny face." The Queen made a pouting face.

"I promise I'll be back soon. I'm sure Sara's innocent." The King hugged the Queen tightly and walked out, grabbing a deadly saber of a stand as he left.


The water had hardened around the wound, slowly healing it with the help of some water magic. Sara opened her eyes slowly. She was floating along the bottom of the river. The water was almost crystal clear. The Executioner looked up, it was getting darker but she could make out the trees along the shore moving past in a blur. She was going pretty fast. Sara spotted her brother floating a couple feet away from her. He was sleeping. A large bubble of air was encasing his head. She noticed she was wearing one too.

A small school of fish swam next to her. They were winged and had lush white feathers. The school must've been pretty fast to keep up with the speed she was traveling at. Sara turned her head again and glanced a human like figure swim past her.

The water nymphs. She smiled. Those riders would be long gone. It was impossible to track a nymph unless the trail was fresh. Nymphs could change the courses of rivers or even create entirely different ones, making it nearly impossible for any tracker to hunt one down.

But, they had to reach the den first before the nymphs could preform any additional magic. All of it was focused on her and her brother. To keep them alive and breathing under water, as well as healing Sara's gruesome wound.

The Executioner hoped the riders hadn't pursued her. She shrugged off the thought. They were probably killed in the shock wave of water created when the nymphs arrived. Sara yawned.

Maybe she would take a nap. Traveling underwater was quite tiring.


Kevin had his royal armor strapped on. It was shining and brilliant. But he refused to wear a helmet. Wow what a bad ass. A group of twelve riders were also with him, part of his elite personal guard. Their horse's were lightly armored with leather pads and their gear was packed with full with provisions.

The Gate sentries received a signal via seashell and signalled the convoy below him. The gate slowly rose and the King, along with his riders, stampeded out toward the Lening River.

Signing off, Gin

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