Chapter 5

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Quick A/N

Sorry about the picture there is no pictures of the ministry! :)

Ron's POV

I couldn't be bothered to apparatus into the toilet, so I just decided to go straight to my desk chair. As I popped into existence and lent back into my chair, I heard I muffled cry.

"Oi! Gerrof!" Shouted the voice and I lept back up as I felt a tangle of limbs beneath me.


I didn't know Dean was working here, much less that he had taken my desk.

"What are you doing here?" He asked.
"What are you doing here? This is my desk." Idiot.

"Com'on mate. Potter doesn't show up and you're his deputy? Piece the pieces together..." he raised his eyebrows at my slowness.

"I'm... taking over?" Yes I was slightly slow.

"Yeah. So. How's Ginny." He leered forwards and my instinct was to cringe away from the smell of stale smoke.

"None of your business." I shoved past him to get to Harry's door, a modest thing with a cute sign on the doorway.

"Harry Potter" in sweet italic writing. No I am not in love with Harry. Ginny's handwriting is sweet though. All loops and twirls.

I sat down gingerly on his chair, a leather, faded old brown swivel one.

There were three piles of paperwork covering the desk:

A small one, a towering one, and a couple of loose papers. Above each one was a floating sign in Harry's scrawling Handwriting.


"To do"


The to do one was bumping angrily at the ceiling and I bit back a chuckle as I relaxed. He was almost as bad as me.

Then with a sudden change of mood, I thought how Harry might never complete these papers ever again, and a few tear escaped, cascading down my cheeks as I thought the one thought that should never have entered my mind.

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