Episode 2: Complications

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"KOPA" Vitani shouted as she bolted to her mate.

Kopa, despite being in pain and suffering from some minor injuries, managed to stand back up on his feet. "Oh hey Vitani!" He said cheerfully.

Vitani smacked Kopa across his face with her paw. "Ow!" Kopa complained.

"What the Hell were you thinking?" Vitani growled.

"What?" Kopa said.

"You could have been hurt! And you are just acting like it't nothing!"

"Hey, I just didn't want anything to happen to you, that's all."

"I'm F I N E., but you could have been hurt, or worse!" Kopa's ears flopped back, and he looked to the ground. Vitani never really yelled at Kopa like this before. "Alright, I'm sorry."

Vitani turned around and began to walk away while the Guard walked up to Kopa to comfort him. "Hey, don't take it personally." Tazama said.

"No I get it, she doesnt want her stupid boyfriend to come in and save her." Kopa stood up and began to walk off with his head hanging down.

The Tree of Life

Rani woke up from the two hours of sleep she got. Without Kion she had to manage both the daytime and the nighttime patrols, along with dealing with her duties as Queen. Normally Fuli would help in the scenario where Kion couldn't lead, but that was on a normal day before the fire clan attacked the pridelands.

She stretched out her muscles and walked out of the Tree of Life. She rubbed her eyes as she adjusted to the bright sunlight and began to walk off to the spot where her and Kion's guard met.

Rani easily became lost in her thoughts. She couldn't help but feel upset with how she treated Kion, sure he was careless but he had good intentions, even if she was injured in the process.

Rani continued to think even more about who's fault it was in the whole argument. And the more she thought about it, the more she felt like it was her fault. She thought back to when they first met, and how she had treated him poorly when he first got there. Which didn't help as she felt even more guilt at that point


Rani snapped out her thoughts when she heard a noise. She turned around to see if it was someone she knew, but she saw no one. She was on edge, she thought maybe it was an animal passing by, that is until she saw a small orange glow from the shadows.

She cautiously paced near the orange glow to see what it was. She sniffed the air, and she could smell grass burning. She narrowed her eyes and looked closer at the orange glow.

Rani growled as she leaped into the air and pounced upon whoever was watching her. And to no surprise, it was an elemental, specifically from the fire clan. "HEY, what are you doing here?" Rani asked.

The elemental growled as he tried to break free from the queen, but Rani just applied even more pressure. "Tell me, what are you doing here!" She said but in a more stern tone.

"Rani, whats going on?" Rani looked up and saw Beshte, Ono, and Baliyo approaching her.

"I found an elemental sneaking around, and i was just asking him, what are you doing here!?"

The elemental growled and tried to increase his body temperature to burn the Queen, but she was quick to react. Rani moved one of her paws to the elemental's throat and unsheathed her claws. "Go ahead, I dare you!" she threatened.

The elemental calmed down and cooled off. "Now for the last time, what are you, doing here?"

"Alright, I was sent here to spy on you, can you please let me go now!" The elemental pleaded.

Rani looked down upon the elemental, and tried to think of what else she should do with him. Then she glanced at Ono and thought of an idea. "Alright, you can leave, and don't come back!"

Rani released the elemental and he quickly began to run off to the mountain pass. Once he was out of her line of sight Rani turned towards Ono. "Ono, follow him and see what he's up to."

Ono raised his wing. "Affirmative." Ono flapped his wings as he took off to the skies, and followed the elemental as he begins to leave the Tree of Life kingdom.

"BUNGA! You're snoring again!" Fuli complained.

Bunga snapped awake and rubbed his eyes. "No I wasn't, you were snoring!"

Fuli growled back at the Honey Badger. "No I wasn't because I was awake from you snoring!"

"Guys, calm down, besides fighting isn't going to get us anywhere!" Kion said trying to diffuse the situation.

"Says you, we could be traveling right now if Fuli wasn't so scared of water!" Bunga said as he crossed his arms.

"Bunga, its nighttime, and its raining. Not only could predators find us but it would be difficult for us see anyways."

"Pleeease we fought hyenas twice our age just fine, I think we could handle this, especially since you have the roar."

"Those hyenas have the brains half our size and we could get hypothermia!" Fuli retorted.

Bunga shrugged. "Says you, you are just too scared to deal with the rain!"

"I'm not scared, I just dislike traveling in the middle of nowhere at nighttime when we can barley see anything!"

"Nah you're just a scaredy cat!" Bunga teased.

"Did you not hear a word I just said!"

"Nah all I heard was a big ol scaredy cat!"

"Bunga, S H U T U P!"

Bunga started to jump up and down while clapping his hands. "Scaredy cat Scaredy cat Scaredy cat Scaredy cat Scaredy cat!"

"It's times like this where I wonder why I saved you from Shomari so PLEASE SHUT UP!" Fuli snapped.

Startled by Fuli's outburst, Bunga calmed down and sat down. Satisfied with the peace and quiet, Fuli rested her head back down and tried to fall asleep.

Fuli began to drift off to sleep, but was distracted when she heard footsteps walking off. She lifted up her head and looked around to see that Bunga was gone.

She rolled her eyes out of annoyance and began to follow the Honey badger's footprints. Lucky for her most of his footprints were out of the rain, so it wasn't difficult for her to track him.

She followed the footprints to a small tree that was on top of a clif that overlooked the whole Jungle valley.

She approached the honey budget, and as she got closer, she could easily hear him crying. "Bunga?" She said as she slowly paced towards him.

Bunga didn't bother to make eye contact with her. "Go away."

Fuli ignored the honey Badger's request and instead walked up next to him. "I'm sorry if what I said was mean, I'm just stressed, y'know with being stranded out here and with no way home."

"It's not that, well it kinda is but, I miss home, I miss Binga, I just want to go home." Fuli placed her paw on Bunga's shoulder to comfort him.

"I know it's a bit scary to be away from home, but I mean you have me and Kion, right?"

Bunga smiled. "Yeah I guess. I never had any brothers or sisters aside from Simba, so being stranded out here with you guys isn't so bad, even if we do fight sometimes."

Fuli smiled back. "Why do I always feel like I have to get you and Kion out of trouble all the time?"

"Because your like our big sister."

Fuli shrugged. "I guess I really am."

Hey everyone, sorry that the chapter is a bit short, IDK what else to write so yeah. Although next week's chapter either will come early or late since I'm busy friday, because I'm gonna go see "No Way Home" Opening day with my family. But yeah remember to vote and such.

The Lion Guard Season 4 Part Two: Divided and UnitedWhere stories live. Discover now