-13- more questions

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Izuku's POV

It was a rude awakening the next day. My back ached from the sitting strapped down to a flat metal bench for hours. It felt like people had stoned me to death.

A painfully bright light shined in my eyes making them squeeze shut. There were no windows in the cell but we arrived here late so I assume it's early morning.

The man that was on the bench across from me was now not a trace of evidence he had ever been there. Just an empty plain metal bench.

0662. He used the same code to put the metal traps around my legs as he did to take them away.

"Get up." He seemed like he was fighting off the same morning tiredness as I was. Of course he didn't have a flashlight shining into his eyes and he didn't sleep strapped to a flat metal slab sitting up. When was the blind fold removed?

He told me to get up but didn't even give me the chance as he pulled me to a standing position by my handcuffs. My back cracked like a fire on Christmas Eve. Holy shit that hurt.

"Let's go." I was starting to think this guy could only speak in two word sentences. On the other hand I was about two seconds away from snapping.

"Can you take mouth thing off." The words were severely muffled and I could barley understand what I was saying at all.

That didn't seem to bother the man as he completely ignored me and again grabbed me by the handcuffs and out of the cell.

This walk wasn't nearly as long as the walk to the cell. I was dragged to yet another large metal door but instead of a number 'VCC' was engraved in it.

I was quickly brought in but there was no code on the door link there had been on the cell.

The room wasn't much to look at that's for sure. Cement brick walls and plain tile floors. In the middle was another metal table with two matching chairs.

A door was on the opposite wall from where we entered. A small glass panel was centered in the middle but all I could see on the other side was another cement wall. Must lead to a hallway.

I was tossed into one on the metal chairs before I could tell what was happening. The man certainly want being charitable.

"Stay there." It was more of a grumble than words but soon after the guard left the room, the metal door sliding closed behind him.

So with him gone I took in more of the room. There weren't any cameras as far as I could tell. But I could feel a small mic under the table right in front of where I sat.

I removed my hands from the mic as the door the guard had entered and left through opened again. But there was now someone new there.

The tall man looked some what familiar but not enough to bother trying to figure out who he was.

"Madoria." It was barley a greeting. With a curt nod he sat in the opposite chair across from me.

"I'm not going to make friendly conversation madoria. We have questions and you need to answer them." His voice was harsh and demanding. Not a spec of warmth or understanding.

"You have no proof. Meaning you have no right to record this conversation without my permission." Both of our eyes narrowed, challenging the other to say something.

"They did say you weren't stupid. I suppose you also know about the camera attached to my coat pocket. So I'll skip the complaining and remove both. Sound good."

Yeah I had no idea there was a camera. Well I mean I guess that was easy. But too easy. Why would he give them up so easily?

"Remove all of them." It was a long shot but I was pretty sure he was bluffing about only having one mic and one camera.

The mans eyebrows shot up into his receding hair line. A frown ghosted his features but quickly went away as his face hardened once again.

"Do you know what the league of villains is planing to do next." His voice demanded answers. Like he was on the edge of breaking down and screaming bloody murder.


And then the door swung open.


I hate cliff hangers but whatever. Do you want smut in the story or no. I'm comfortable with it if your open my little duckies🐤🐤🐤

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