-11- interrogation

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Izuku's POV

I was miserable sitting in this flat metal chair white blinding walls surrounding me.

A mirror wall was laid out facing me. I was still in those cuffs not that I would try anything anyway. And I'm not stupid. I knew it was a one way mirror. They were all standing behind there. I know it.

I heard the heavy metal door behind me open and then close again but I didn't bother turning to see who it was.

A tall man stepped into view before pulling out the chair across from me separated my a plain metal table and sitting down.

His face held little emotion but there was something in his eyes I couldn't read. He carried a small white folder and pen in his hand that he then placed in front of himself.

"I have questions to ask. You will answer with one hundred precent honesty. Understand." It wasn't a question. His tone was cold and demanding.

But as I said before. I'm not stupid. I knew who this man was. Naomasa Tsukauchi. His quirk lets him know when someone's lying. Was it smart to not tell me.

"Well then ask away sir." My answer was calm but my eyes were narrowed and calculating. There were many ways this could go so what's the best for me to do. Act dumb or step up.

"Name: Izuku Madoria correct. Son of Inko Madoria." I gave a curt nod and his eyes skimmed down the page for the next question.

"Do you have any sort of relationship concerning the league of villains organization." The tension was thick. Everyone behind that mirror could hear. Waiting for my answer. But you only live once right.

"No." At this the mans eyes hardened. So he was using his quirk. He knows that was a lie. It was obvious from his face he knew.

"Your lying." At this I quirked an eyebrow up. When I thought I couldn't be a hero I read up on laws of quirks so maybe I could still help someone. Looks like that will come in handy.

"And how do you know that Mr. Tsukauchi. Unless you were using your quirk on me. You know. Without my consent or knowledge for that matter. I believe that's breaking the law." His eyes widened for a split second. Then we were both glaring.

"I'm not the one under interrogation." It came out bitter like a bad taste in the mans mouth.

"I still have rights. You of all people should know that." His eyes darkened dangerously before he turned back to the page in front of him.

"Well then. Looks like that answered all our questions." His answer came out of gritted teeth. His eyes screamed 'try me kid'

He stood up the scraping of his chair scratching at my ears painfully. But I refused to give him the satisfaction of knowing he hurt my ears.

He picked up the folder and felt making sure to slam the door loudly behind him. Drama queen.

It was at least forty five long painfully boring minutes before I heard the door open again. I almost sighed in relief. I was going to die of boredom.

"Stand up. Come with me we will be transferring you to containment until the official trial." Th voice was deep and familiar. Mr. Aizawa.

"Of course Aizawa Sensei." I stood and turned to see his angry tired face. His brows were furrowed and not only in anger but in confusion.

"You were one of the best Madoria. You were going to be the next true hero." The words came out as a broken whisper like he just couldn't understand.

"I still am going to be the next true hero. But for everyone. Not just those society deems as acceptable." The words came out harsher than I wanted but Mr. Aizawa's eyes softened even if it was just for a second.

"Come on. We need to go now." I gave a nod and we walked out. There were multiple hero's on guard as I walked out of the station.

And there at the end of the path was urakka with tears in her eyes. Her hands were squeezed in front of her chest in a pleading manner.

"Deku! I swear it wasn't me!" But the hero's quieted her motioning for her to leave the premises.

She was just a lying bitch anyway.


The teaaaaa! Anyway here's another one. By the way my names max but you can call me sir or father (no this is not something sexual it's just my preference)

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