-12- containment

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Izuku's POV

"We're out of stalls sir what should we do." A short but strongly built man said to Mr. Aizawa as we arrived at some large building.

From what I could tell looking through the car window as I arrived it seemed like a huge one story structure. Seemed old but decently well maintained.

"Put him in 74...and take red code precautions. We can't risk this." Mr. Aizawa answered with a heavy sigh. The tired look in his eyes was telling of the pressure he was under.

"Yes sir." And I was passed to the man. His grip on me was harder the tight grip bruising my skin.

It was a surprisingly long walk to 'cell 74' to the point my legs held a small ache with each step.

But we had arrived. I stared at the huge thick black metal door that stretched from floor to the high ceiling. In large boxy numbers 74 was imprinted onto the door.

He placed his hand on a seemingly random part of the door before it split open revealing a room just larger than a walk in closet.

The walls were the same black metal with two matching metal benches on ether side of the walls.

I was harshly jerked in and pushed onto one of the benches. I look over to see the officer pressing some numbers onto an electronic palate attached to the wall. 0662. Noted.

Metal straps wound themselves over my thighs locking on the other side on the bench. My wrists were still in the cuffs and sat on my lap, tired from the weight.

I would be lying if I said I wasn't concerned. But not surprised. This was supposed to be a top notch containment center.

Too many thoughts swamped my mind I couldn't pick anything out. It was like I was in a trance. Things were moving so quickly and I still felt stuck in slow motion.

The man wrapped a thin cloth over my eyes tied in the back pulling at my green curls. Though the cloth was light it still blocked out all the light leaving me seeing dark black emptiness.

A similar cloth found its way into my mouth holding down my tongue and pushing against my teeth keeping me from talking.

Not being able to see I focused in on the sounds around me. The mans footsteps and small grumbles he made under his breath.

It wasn't long before I heard him leave, the loud sound of the door closing hurt my ears and shook the room.

"And who might you be." A gravely voice echoed around, raspy like they hadn't spoke in years.

The noise made me jump and I instinctively whipped my head around to see who said that. But I was only met with darkness, the cloth pushing against my eyelids.

"Who are you?" My voice shook slightly. A deep chuckle could be heard from the unfamiliar man.

"Don't worry kid. This is all part of the plan." He seemed relaxed. Not at peace just...used to the cold of the cell.

"What plan." The words came out harsh. What plan is he talking about. Or is he just some loon with a messed up brain from years of isolation.

"They have mics and cameras in here ya know. I'm sure there listening in." I was starting to hate his relaxed nature and attitude. We were stuck in a cell and he wasn't explaining anything. Just changing the subject leaving me clueless.

"What plan." My tone was louder, more demanding. This man knew something he wasn't telling me. Like it was a game for his personal amusement.

"Eh? He didn't tell you huh." He punctuated his sentence with a deep wolffish laugh. Like he found this just hilarious.

"Didn't tell me what." I kept pushing for answers. Answers this man was going to give me.

"Why do you think I'm in here huh?" Now he sounded annoyed like I was a nuisance and the answer was obvious.

"What are you not telling me." The words came out as a growl, my posture tense with anger.

"Your little boyfriend is coming to save your ass."


Oop plot twist- anyway I didn't think there were so many of you waiting for this. lol sorry my little duckies🐤🐤🐤

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