Interviews and Whatnot pt.2

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Interview Concluded
Time Stamp: 8:46

Post Incident Interview
Tsukauchi Namosa- Head Detective

Time Stamp: 16:08

Tsukauchi: To begin the interview, please state your full name.

Jū- san: Jū- san Gō

Tsukauchi: And what was your involvement in the USJ incident?

Jū- san: I am a teacher at UA, I was chaperoning the class that day.

Tsukauchi: Can you please explain your point of view of the USJ incident?

Jū- san: I was explaining to the kids the drawbacks and danger of their quirks when the villains interrupted us. The warp gate villain showed first, and after him came a massive amount of villains.

Tsukauchi: Continue.

Jū- san: One of the students left to go alert the school, and Aizawa ran off to hold the majority of villains off, implying that I was to stay put and watch over the kids. But shortly after he left, the warp villain appeared in front of us.

Tsukauchi: What did you do in that situation?

Jū- san: I was going to use my quirk against the villain, but one of my students, Midoriya- kun, stopped me.

Tsukauchi: You allowed a student to stop you from using your quirk in self defense?

Jū- san: Midoriya- kun's analysis is incredibly strong and I trust his judgement. He warned me that my quirk would likely be turned against me and I chose to take his word for it.

Tsukauchi: Okay... what did you do after that?

Jū- san: The warp villain began to separate the students, leaving only a handful near the doors with me. Though there weren't many, villains would come up from the plaza to attempt to attack us.

Tsukauchi: And what did you do in that situation?

Jū- san: Though my instinct was to use my quirk, I knew it would prove fatal to any villain I turned it against. I chose instead to allow my students to take charge while I observed, ready to step in should the need arise.

Tsukauchi: If I'm understanding this correctly, you were under the assumption that your students could handle genuine villains without risk of serious injury or fatality?

Jū- san: I never said that, I said I allowed them to take the head of the attack. I am not a combative hero, and my quirk is not well suited for it. It isn't a hero's job to kill, but to stop and detain.

Tsukauchi: I suppose you have a point. What happened that?

Jū- san: It wasn't long before the rest of the staff arrived. Once they did, I assisted in evacuating the rest of the students and, eventually, organizing and informing first responders.

Tsukauchi: Is that all?

Jū- san: All to the story?

Tsukauchi: Yes.

Jū- san: Yes, I believe you're aware of the events after the police arrived.

Tsukauchi: I am, thank you for your cooperation.

Jū- san: Thank you, officer.

Interview Concluded
Time Stamp: 16:15

Post Incident Interview
Tsukauchi Namosa- Head Detective

Time Stamp: 16:21

Tsukauchi: To begin the interview, please state your full name.

Aizawa: Aizawa Shota

Tsukauchi: And what was your involvement in the USJ incident?

Aizawa: I'm class 1A's teacher.

Tsukauchi: So you were present for the entirety of the attack?

Aizawa: Yes.

Tsukauchi: Can you please explain your point of view of the attack.

Aizawa: I'm sure you have most of the details by now. The villains showed up, I left to deal with most of the assailants in the plaza, and the kids got split up.

Tsukauchi: I'm afraid I need you to go into further detail?

Aizawa: Why? You already have most of the information. Look, I need to get back to the hospital, let me just tell the story how I see fit and leave.

Tsukauchi: Are you injured?

Aizawa: No.

Tsukauchi: Then why- never mind. Please just finish the story.

Aizawa: I held off most of the villains in the plaza for a while, but there was this massive one with a mutant type quirk.

Tsukauchi: Did you attack him?

Aizawa: He attacked me, or at least he tried to.

Tsukauchi: tried to?

Aizawa: The damn problem child- Midoriya- he just ran in front of me as soon as the thing reached out. God, I've never- he just let it grab him.

Tsukauchi: Are you saying that Midoriya put himself in front of you? Or was it more akin to him choosing to attack the villain on his own?

Aizawa: No, the kid ran in to protect me, that's just how he works. Which is stupid, I'm the teacher- it's my job to keep him safe.

Tsukauchi: I take it you feel guilty about Midoriya's current physical state?

Aizawa: Guilty? I haven't left the hospital since he got there.

Tsukauchi: So is that a yes?

Aizawa: This isn't fuckin' therapy, Naomasa. Let me finish the story.

Tsukauchi: Very well.

Aizawa: After the villain grabbed him, he just sorta.. climbed on top of it. The whole thing happened so fast. He used those support things he made in Majima's class to stick the villain in place and then he just... stabbed it.

Tsukauchi: He stabbed it?

Aizawa: Its brain was exposed, so he jammed one of his escrima sticks in its head and turned it on.

Tsukauchi: What do you mean he "turned it on?"

Aizawa: It's electrified.

Tsukauchi: Do you think he did this with the intent to kill?

Aizawa: Oh god, no. The kid couldn't kill a damn fly if he wanted to. I think at the moment all he wanted to do was stop it from hurting anyone. The head guy- Shigaraki I think- had already announced that it had advanced regeneration. Izuku probably just thought the escrima stick would knock it out for a while.

Tsukauchi: Oh, well please, continue.

Aizawa: There isn't much else left to say. Midoriya got hurt really bad, the cops showed up, and he went to the hospital.

Tsukauchi: Is that all?

Aizawa: Yes, now if you'll excuse me, I need to get back to the hospital.

Tsukauchi: Very well, thank you for your cooperation.

Interview Concluded
Time Stamp: 16:30

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