Interviews and Whatnot

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Tsukauchi: Could you please state your involvement?

Asui: I am one of the students from class 1A.

Tsukauchi: Now, what was your point of view from the whole experience?

Asui: At the beginning, as I'm sure you know, the warp villain appeared. He began to bring in villains and that was when Aizawa- sensei left us to fight him, kero. Then Midoriya- kun told Iida to leave and right after that the villain appeared in front of us.

Tsukauchi: continue

Asui: Bakugo tried to jump in front of the villain, but he was warped away. Thirteen- sensei then tried to use their quirk on the villain too, but Midoriya- kun stopped them, kero.

Tsukauchi: Interesting, why did he stop them. Did he say?

Asui: He said the villain would turn their quirk against them, and it was wisest to hold off the attack.

Tsukauchi: Very well, please continue.

Asui: Then we were split up by the warp villain, kero. All of us got sent to different areas of the USJ.

Tsukauchi: And where were you sent?

Asui: I was sent to the shipwreck zone with Midoriya- kun.

Tsukauchi: What happened once you arrived there?

Asui: Midoriya- kun used one of his support weapons to electrocute the villains surrounding the boat, kero.

Tsukauchi: There were villains surrounding the boat?

Asui: Yes. They were in the water.

Tsukauchi: What happened after that.

Asui: He used some of his support weapons, kero, the ones that exploded into a large amount of goop, to stick the villains in the water to eachother.

Tsukauchi: If he had already electrocuted them, why would he do that?

Asui: The shock was only enough to stun them. He said he wanted to make sure they couldn't go after us or other students.

Tsukauchi: After that, what happened?

Asui: He asked me to jump with him so we could clear the villains, kero.

Tsukauchi: Jump?

Asui: It's my quirk, frog. I can jump very high and far distances.

Tsukauchi: Oh, so after you left the shipwreck area, what happened?

Asui: Midoriya- kun insisted we go to the plaza to help Aizawa- sensei.

Tsukauchi: That was where he was fighting a large group of villains?

Asui: Yes, kero.

Tsukauchi: When you arrived there, what happened?

Asui: Midoriya- kun told me to go toward the front doors where some of the other students still were.

Tsukauchi: And did you?

Asui: Yes, kero. Aizawa- sensei told us not to help him.

Tsukauchi: Then why did Midoriya insist on helping?

Asui: He said Aizawa- sensei couldn't handle the big villain on his own.

Tsukauchi: The big villain?

Asui: It looked like a monster, kero. It just stood off to the side, but Midoriya kun said that if it attacked it would probably kill Aizawa- sensei.

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