"Isn't that amazing? She was thinking of protecting others in that situation." I continue.

"But that's wrong!" Ray points out.

"It's like trying to make a boat out of mud! The best we can do is us 4. If it's just us, we can escape." Ray says and I look down.

"Your correct, and you shouldn't feel ashamed. Don't distort your decision based on emotions, Norman!" Ray says.

"It's not that, Ray. I also want to make a boat out of mud." I say opening up my arms.

"Huh?" Ray says.

"Don't be a fool! Your supposed to be different! You're more cool-headed, and you always take the best option, 2nd best after Y/n." Ray says as he grabs me by my shirt.

"So, why?" Ray asks.

"Because I like her." I say which surprised Ray.

"I like Emma, and I want her to always be smiling." I say smiling.

"Your crazy." Ray says letting go of me.

"And what if Emma dies because of it?" Ray asks.

"I won't let her die. That's why I'm going to utilize myself. Luckily, I've always managed to accomplish what I set out to do." I say with an even bigger smile.

"Y/n was my model is still is. Since she always got full scores every single time we did the test, even when we were young, she still got full scores and passed everything she has done." I say happily.

"So that's why thanks to her big sister influence, I got better and better at doing my own things and at the test. So if you bake mud, it'll become a vessel. A boat made out of mud won't always sink." I say.

"You've lost your mind." Ray says.

"Maybe. Both Emma and I are insane. We've completely lost it. Especially since my dear sister's life is on the line. I know for a fact you love her just as much as I love Emma, maybe even more, but I know." I say as I then looked him dead in his eyes.

"You'll do anything to keep her safe, isn't that correct? You can't let us do this on our own, right?" I ask and Ray looked shocked but then smirked.

"Damn it, you jerk. Using Y/n as my weakness. Of course I can't, what kind of friend would I be?" Ray says and then all of a sudden the bell rang.

"Ray. Norman. Shouldn't we have more free time left? Emma asks.

"We should go." I say as the 3 of us ran to the house.

Inside of the orphanage, Y/n's POV

"This is your newest little sister, Carol. And this is Sister Krone. She's here to help me." Mama says and Sister Krone smiles at all of us children.

Norman and Emma look frightened of her.

"A-An adult?" Emma says scared.

"Another Enemy." Norman says, also scared.

I just looked at Sister Krone.

'Why is she here now? Simple. She probably wants to keep us in check just in case if we're planning something. Wait, did she see that Ray wasn't next to our tree?" I ask.

'Maybe that's why she called for help. She probably thinks Ray is teaming up with Norman and Emma with escaping, which he is. She's catching on, and we need to be more careful.' I say.

"I will be living here with all of you starting today. It's nice to meet you." Sister Krone says sweetly.

"It's nice to meet you!" A kid says.

"Hello!" Another says.

Mama smiled and giggled.

'Let's see how my dear children will deal with this...' Mama says.

Ray and I were now looking at Mama.

'She knows, and I know she knows that we are all planning to escape. I just hope she is still falling for my act.' I say as Norman looked really angry, his teeth were clenched too.

Emma looked scared even though she tried not to.

'A new adult, A new enemy to deal with...'

And yet again another chapter done.

Hope y'all are liking this version, cause I do.

Fun fact: I was listening to my Spotify playlist while writing this, you cannot believe how energetic I felt.

Anyways ye, that's it.

Sister Krone....

||2 traitors in love||: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now