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Renjun never had the best luck with love. In fact every person he has ever fallen in love with has broken his heart.

Everyone but one hasn't broken his heart yet, lately he'd been avoiding his own best friend since childhood.

He felt like shit for ignoring all his attempts at talking to him but he needed time to himself, because he realized that same best friend he cherishes so much he might also be in love with.

Knowing his history with love, it made him terrified. If something were to go wrong not only would he loss the person he loves he would also loss his best friend.

His apartment door opened and there stood Yangyang worried as ever. He should've changed the place where he hide the backup key.

"Renjun what the fuck? We hang out one day and then you go MIA on me out of no where. I was so goddamn worried about you. Do you even know-"

Yangyang stopped his anger rant when he noticed Renjun is tear stained checks, he instead walked over to Renjun and sat next him.

"What's wrong?"


"You stop talking to me for a week, in which you clearly cried, and nothing is wrong? Tell me the truth"

"The truth is I think I'm in love you and I'm fucking scared Yangyang. I'm scared that I'll goddamn loss you like everyone else I've ever loved."

The sudden confession came as a shock to both of them. Yangyang just smiled lightly than started laughing.

"What do you think this is funny?"

Yangyang just started laughing harder which caused Renjun to slap him but in his defense it was kinda rude.

"You're scared to be in love with me? Renjun I've been in love with you for over what? Five years now? If I had the chance to be with you, trust me I'm not letting whatever love curse you think you have get in the way."

Renjun blushed slight at the way Yangyang's tone of voice seemed change.

"Fine then I'll give you a chance and don't let it go, this Friday take me on date."

"Deal, I'll make sure you know you're in love with me by the end of the night Huang Renjun."

"We will see about that."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2021 ⏰

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