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Yangyang was resting his head on Renjun's lap who didn't mind at first, but then Renjun randomly started running his hands through Yangyang's hair.

He looked up giving Renjun a confused look as to why he was suddenly combing his hair but Renjun just continued on combing his hair.

"I thought it would be dead, but your hair is actually fluffy."

"I try to keep it alive and tons of conditioner helps."

Renjun laughed lightly continuing to play with his hair and Yangyang just let him, after awhile Renjun started pestering him to open his camera app.

When Yangyang did he found his hair tied up in a bunch of different mini pony tails and braids as Renjun just smiled proudly.

He laughed rolling his eyes going to take out one of his pony tails only for his hand to be slapped swag by Renjun.

He definitely wasn't gonna be able to take this off till Renjun was asleep later tonight. But the smile he had on his face made Yangyang not mind looking ridiculous for now.

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