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Sat by Renjun's side in the movie theater the new Disney movie playing in front of then Yangyang took a glance at Renjun.

This was a date however they strayed from showing to much affection since sadly their are still people in the world who look down upon others for who they love.

Their hands pleasantly intertwined laying on his lap, Renjun's eyes fixated on the screen in front of them.

Yangyang couldn't help but glance over and looked at how pretty Renjun looked, that glance however quickly turned into full on admiring the way the light looked illuminating Renjun's elegant face.

He knew Renjun would shy if he kissed him in public and would give him the silent treatment the rest of the way home for making him feel embarrassed, so he settled on a simple shoulder kiss.

Leaning over placing a light peck on Renjun's shoulder who looked at him with a confused look as he just smiled back leaning his head onto Renjun's should and continued watching the movie, he loved his boyfriend but the affection could wait till they were in the comfort of their home.

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