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No one in their friend group really knew how Yangyang and Renjun got together. What are the chances that the son of the god of the son would be smitten for the son of Hades.

They were complete polar opposites Renjun being a pessimist and the son of Hades, meanwhile Yangyang who was the son of Apollo was sun if it were to be a human.

No one knew how they meet, when they meet, if there was even ever a phase they weren't dating. They've just been together since what seemed like the beginning of time.

The story of how it really started takes place at Camp Half Blood, a camp for all Demi-gods. Renjun was sat under a tree reading a book distancing himself from anyone and everyone.

That was until Yangyang came along and sat next to him, the thing is Yangyang has been admiring Renjun from a far since he first got to camp Half Blood.

Renjun was the one who showed him around since he found Yangyang lost near his Hades Cabin. Renjun wasn't very positive in fact he called Yangyang an idiot for straying off from the person who was originally showing him around.

Yangyang noticed Renjun didn't like much company which is part of why he was intimidated to approach him at first, but slowly he built up his confidence and went for it.

Over time Renjun noticed how Yangyang's never falling gummy smiled and bright personality had built itself a soft spot in his heart.

Renjun never once made the first move in their relationship till he finally asked Yangyang if they were boyfriends, they had gone on multiple hang outs that could be considered dates and did all the things couples are supposed to do.

Even kissing once, and that kiss made him feel things he's never felt. He was never bold or hopeful but maybe the optimism was rubbing off on him from Yangyang.

No one knew how they got together, but everyone knew they were great together

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