Chapter 6

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The weight was the first thing he felt, solid and heavy on his back. He could feel the cold slab through the torn fingertips of his suit, and the blood flowing down the back of his neck from where his head hit the concrete when it fell. He had pins and needles from the impact, still in shock as the memories from Homecoming flooded back.

The next thing he felt was the pain. The pure agony, as if his arms were on fire, his legs feeling like jelly. His vision was spotted and he screamed as he tried to readjust the roof before falling to his knees, still keeping his arms glued to the slab hanging above his head.

The next thing he heard were voices. Some were yelling and cursing, others were calling his name or crying. He couldn't making it out because of the roaring of his spidey sense in the back of his head. He gets it. He's trapped under a building. It's dangerous. 

His vision was clouded by the dust and he coughed, unable to filter the air now that his mask was taken off. 

And then he remembered Tony and all of the Avengers who were probably looking at him like they were the reason they were in this mess. How he had failed them and proved he really wasn't ready to be a superhero.

That's when he felt the hot tears trickling down his cheeks, and he knew he was crying.

In front of the Avengers.

Which didn't really help.

He whimpered in pain, sobs shaking his body as he tried to figure out how to balance the fucking building he was holding on his back. 

He knew there was no way he was going to get out of this alive. And that just hurt him even more.

He had been so close to death before when he was trapped under the rubble, he could feel it as his ribs continued to ache from the pressure, the memories and echoing screams sending a shiver up his spine.

The rubble shifted and he screamed again.


The Avengers were terrified as the building collapsed. They knew it would squash Peter like a bug, and they all looked away waiting for their horrific fate.

But it never came.

They looked up, waiting to see Steve breaking out of his chains for a daring rescue or even Scott blowing to full size to hold up the ceiling.

Instead they saw Peter, struggling to shift his weight with the building.

"Holy shit," Clint exclaimed.

They looked at each other in horror and awe. This kid was 15 and he was holding up a goddamn building without any help.

Just to protect them.

Natasha could see the sacrificial look in his eyes, the same look Steve gave the team before any big mission. It reminded her of the old days, when they fought to save the world together, before everything had been torn apart because of the Accords.

Then Peter screamed and no one could stop themselves for almost crying at the sight, Steve and Bucky even cringing as it echoed through the room. 

"Peter! Peter can you hear me?" Steve shouted and Bucky shushed him.

They obviously knew he had super hearing but now wasn't exactly the best time to shout his name while he was struggling to stand.

"That bastard. I'm going to kill him," Sam muttered and Scott muttered in agreement.

The air was thick with dust and they heard Peter cough and the rubble shifted as Peter fell to his knees.

And he was still holding up the building.

They listened for his breathing and then they heard a sob escape his mouth.

Peter was crying.

Everyone's heart broke at the sight, seeing the pain he was in, but how he was still trying to keep his dignity.

They didn't say anything, instead they say in silence as the tried to break their bonds.

"Does anyone have Tony's contact?" Steve whispered, the shaking in his voice almost drowned out by Peter's cries for help.


Vision nodded before projecting a hologram of Tony, tired and draped over a desk, holding a cup of coffee.

"Where are you guys?" He asked, clearly agitated.

Whether it was from a lack of sleep or the outburst from the kid, they didn't know. But that was going to make this so much harder.


"Cap, I'd rather not hear a report from you."

"No, Tony. Listen-"

"Would you stop, Cap? Just stop. Nat, what's going-"

"Tony, we are trapped under a building after being taken hostage by the Vulture. He got to us and Wanda's knocked out cold."

She decided to leave out the part with Peter, try to lessen the blow, but then Peter screamed again.

"What was that?" Tony asked, jumping up from his seat, nearly spilling his coffee.

"Tony-" Nat started only to be cut off by an infuriated Tony.

"Where's Peter? He's safe, right? I can't see him with you so he's not there, right?" 

No one answered him.

"WHERE'S PETER?!" Tony screamed.

"He's holding up the building, Stark," Scott muttered and another scream could be heard.

"What?" Tony froze, his eyes stuck to the screen.

"He's holding up the building with his bare hands," Steve finally stated, not looking Tony in the eye.

Tony's eyes grew wide in alarm and the call ended.


Peter could hear Tony's voice over the pounding in his skull, and it calmed him down. 

But only for a second.

Because then he could hear him scream his name, his hands flew up to cover his ears, the sound seeming to rip apart his ear drums, but then he remembered the building he had on his back. 

He screamed when a flying chunk of debris fell and scraped a huge gash in his side, tearing his suit.

And then everything grew deathly quiet.

Everything felt like a blur from there. His vision continued to grow darker, he heard more people calling his name, the floor grounding his knees into bloody flesh, and the pain shooting through his arms when he heard a small crack.


But then he heard the sound of repulsors firing and the clink of metal, and then the weight was removed from his back.

The next thing he knew, the floor was rising to meet him and it all went black.


I hope this was an okay ending. I will update as soon as possible!

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