Chapter 5

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Wow, it has been a long time since I have uploaded. Sorry to disappoint. Also, this is going to be a long chapter so buckle up.



All heads turned to Steve stood, their mouth's open in shock.


"Don't," Steve cut Bucky off. 

"Stark, what the hell do we do?" Sam started.

Tony didn't answer as he turned to sit on the edge of the hospital bed.

" I'll tell you what we can do," Natasha finally said, breaking the silence. Everyone immediately noticed the authority in her voice and stopped to listen.

"Turns out the guy who shot Peter is working for a secret organization called C.O.B.R.A. or Crime Overseeing Burglary Rights and Artillery. The name was meant to seem like an activist group who wanted some sort of voice in the government, but it ended up being a very secret, very illegal weapon dealership. Guess who runs the show?" Natasha asked, clearly waiting for someone to answer her.

"None other than Adrian Toomes," Scott said. "Otherwise known as the Vulture."

F.R.I.D.A.Y seemed to understand the conversation was going to need visuals and created a hologram within the Medbay to show a picture of Toomes breaking out of jail, still in his orange jumpsuit. He had a triumphant grin on his face as he was hoisted into a helicopter and flown out into the storm. 

"Turns out the guy broke out of the Raft with the help of some of his colleagues, one of who is our suspect, Daniel Aldrez," Clint finished. 

The screen zoomed in on the face of the shooter, a grim expression clear on his face despite the fuzzy pixels of the screen.

"Toomes was the head of this dealership when Peter uncovered it and put him behind bars, meaning he probably is out for blood."

"That not's good, is it?" Wanda spoke up and her shoulders sagged when Bucky shook his head.

"The best thing we can do Stark is face them head on. We have an idea of his location, but in order to take him down, we need insight on his men and his job. We were going to ask Peter but..." Natasha trailed off, her eyes flickering to Steve.

"I fucked up," Steve muttered and Sam laughed.

"Wow. This is the best day of my life. Captain America is swearing," Sam chuckled, still in shock.

"Mr. Stark, if I may be of any assistance, I can go talk to Mr. Parker for you," Vision asked, already floating towards the door.

Tony didn't reply, his head still in his hands before he sat up and walked out the door.

The others watched as the Tony Stark, a man so great feeding his ego could make him explode, trudged out of the room with the most broken look they have ever seen.

"That kid means a lot to him," Scott sighed. "He clearly didn't expect what just happened. I mean, that kid has a guilt complex that probably rivals Tony's."

"And now we know this kid was on edge the moment we walked in. I don't think it helped telling him that as a hero, he failed. I mean, that kid's been through some tough shit," Bucky concluded, everyone noticing how Steve didn't say "Language". 

"Enough moping," Natasha shouted, startling even Steve from his stupor. "We need to think. If Peter won't say anything, we have to stop Toomes before he starts making these deals. These aren't just normal weapons. They're alien technology and in the wrong hands-"

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