Chapter 2- Come On!

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3rd Person POV




They talked for a few minutes and both of them decided to tell the gems because they were gonna find out eventually, they also agreed on naming her "Sophie" even though peridot liked the name "Brianna" better. They walked to the temple while holding hands because they were both nervous of what the gems would say "uh peridot" steven said "yeah" peridot replied "what if they don't like that we had a kid what if they don't support us?" steven said with tears in his eyes "hey it's ok steven don't worry about that right now, im sure they will understand" we made it inside the temple and saw garnet on the sofa.

Steven POV




"Hey garnet me and peridot want to talk to you" i said then sat next to garnet "so uh a few weeks ago me and peridots gems touched and now she's having gemlings and i'm the father. I said, peridot was just siting there silent with a nervous look on her face and Garnet was just silent.

"Have you told the other gems?" Garnet said "n- no we were gonna tell them later" i said nervously, I couldn't tell if garnet was mad or not so I wanted to leave "come on peridot let's g-" i started but was cut off by garnet saying " pearl and amethyst, pearl is gonna freak out and amethyst will be very curious" she said, "but garnet how do you feel about it?" I asked still wondering.

Garnet POV




I don't know how to feel about this. I'm happy but i'm also worried about them. Will they be ok taking care of a child? "I'm very excited to meet this offspring of you two but will you be ok taking care of a child? You're only 14 steven, and peridot knows nothing about children" i say "don't worry Garnet me and Peridot talked about all of this. And plus we have my dad and you guys!" Steven said confident enough to convince me they'll be ok. "How about you two go spend some time together and learn about children while i tell pearl and amethyst" i suggested

"ok" steven said and they got up and left.

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