Chapter 10: Escape

Start from the beginning

Though they held back when they heard the sound of something banging on metal.

It was Chris who was with Lydia and Allison, the pair had been joined by Isaac and Malia who had finished taking out the hunters who had lingered behind. "Don't trip the sensors!" They heard him say.

Scott realized they had to move from their spot as another sensor appeared, "Come on." He said before jumping onto one of the racks that used to hold the weapons.

Imogen follows his lead and lands on top of him, "This feels familiar." She joked, recalling the time they had hidden in Allison's closet.

He chuckled, keeping her head down to avoid the sensor as he also remembered. "Except this time we're avoiding sensors and not Chris." He pointed. "Are you uncomfortable?"

"No, but we do need to get out of here." She said, peering around the room with her limited vision with her head pressed against his chest. "Oh, look! That lock over there. I think I can break it with magic." She told him to move her hand but nothing happened.

Her brows furrowed as the lock remained unbroken. "What's wrong?" He noticed that she was silent.

Imogen stretched out her hand again and used the same spell again but nothing happened. "It's not working." She whispered.

"What is it? What's wrong?" He asked, having heard her.

She frowned, thinking back to what happened after they entered the building. Nothing too out of the ordinary. She hadn't eaten or drank anything inside. Her eyes widened. The smoke. When they had opened the door, there had been smoke that she had breathed in. "The smoke from earlier... I think something was in to block my magic." She told him and stared at the lock with frustration.

"So I guess we just wait for them to break us out." Scott said. Despite the situation they were in, he was enjoying the brief moment of closeness they were sharing. Since they got back, they'd just been going back and forth moving around to save everyone that they could.

She clutched his hand that had been hanging loosely on the side. "You know, Peter called me before we came here."

He blinked, he hadn't seen Peter since before they moved. The man had dropped by briefly to tell Imogen that he had plans to go on vacation so if she needed him that all she needed was to call. "What did he say?"

"That he had plans to come back to Beacon Hills but I tried to get him to extend his trip. Only I think he knows that I'm hiding something and is probably coming back to check." She mumbled with a heavy sigh. "If I tell him what's going on, he's going to try to drag me as far from here as possible."

"I don't blame him." He confessed, feeling her tense. "You already died once and then you got taken by ghost riders. It's understandable that he would want to come back to keep you safe."

Imogen sighed, "I guess you're right."

A few minutes later they heard something faintly banging against the door and turned their heads to see. It was almost like something was hitting the door so hard to bend it and before they knew it, it was blown open. Lydia stood on the other side with a smug look. "Let's go!"

The couple didn't waste a second and jumped from the racks, setting off the alarm. They could feel some of the oxygen leaving the room but with the door open, they were safe. They quickly escaped with their friends, though happy that no one was hurt--they were angry that they hadn't been able to destroy any of the weapons Gerard had. Except they did end up taking the map he had on the wall to show the rest of the pack.


Brett sat in the back while Theo drove with Liam in the passenger seat. The chimera was grinning, "I had to knock you out."

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