"But you cant kill your own coven, if anything that's my job."

"Well it not like I told them I killed her, one day she took Benny away from me and I snapped. All I can say is no one missed her, including Ben."

"How'd you do it?"

"Let's just leave that to the imagination..." I smiled. He nodded and took Bonnie away into the other room.

"We are happy you are home, Rae." Stefan said then walked away, Valerie following close behind.

Time to be bad.

My game plan? Easy. I was houng to cloak myself and Bonnie and then knock her out, I'd take her to a warehouse a few towns down and torture her.

The point of this: hurt Bonnie as much as possible while keeping her alive to make Kai feel pain.

Maybe I'll even keep her cloaked so that Kai cant find her and save her...

We will see how I feel.

I quickly ran upstairs into Damons room and immediately called Enzo, he didnt answer. I put up a hearing spell around myself for the moment so no one could listen into my words.

"Hey, I'm back. I want to see him, now. I know Stefan knows but I dont think he'll tell me where Damon is. I want to see him, Enzo. Its killing me. So... please, when you get this, call me." I said hanging up, I wanted to chuck my phone at the floor. But at the same time I didnt, Damon got me this phone and I'd brake myself more if I broke this.

I called Damon's cell, I have been calling him a lot more lately than when he first left. I did it to hear his voice, it was the only thing I had of him other than a few photos I took of him on my phone.

'Hey, its Damon. Dont leave a message, I wont listen to them.' Then a quick cut off. I left a message.

"Hey... I came back in town today. I'm in your room... I missed this place, manly your room." I chuckled unhysterically. "I just wanted to tell you that I still love you, and I think at this point I always will... My anger about all of this hasnt gotten any better, I've hurt Ben a few times back at home. Hes one of the main reasons I want to get myself together. Well, I guess hes the only reason." I sighed and rubbed my forehead, keeping the tears back that started to break through. "I have a plan for that, at least for today. And possibly the next few days. I know you wouldnt approve of it, but your not here to stop me. I'm going to take Bonnie to screw with Kai, and I've told you all about why... not that you'll listen to any of these when you wake." I chuckled again. "I love you, Damon."

A knock on the door, I quickly hung up and took down my spell.

"Come in." I said harshly. Stefan peaked his head in.


"Need something?"

"Just telling you that me and Val are going to step out for a few. There are some Armory problems and we need to head down." I perked up.

"If you see Enzo-"

"Rae, seeing him will make it worse for you."

"That is the exact opposite of how I feel. If you Enzo, let him know I'm here Stefan. I'm going to see Damon." He nodded and then left, leaving my door slightly cracked. I heard them leave, Kai and Bonnie started to giggle and I felt like killing myself.

I quickly cloaked her and Kai started to panic, making me smile. I cloaked myself aswell and ran downstairs.

"What did you do." She asked seeing Kai freak out.

"Its nothing personal, love. Just doing what I was born to do." I smiled walking towards her.

"And what is that?"

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