Memories are back

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I woke up sweat formed around my hair line, "What the hell" I felt dizzy. "Buck?" I tried sitting up , but my body felt like bricks. "I ca-cant get u-up, B-B-Bucky!" I felt my vision blur." Buc-" then it went black.

(Flashbacks are gonna start here every-time there's a new parpagrah thats a new flash back)

Flash Back 1* "She's done, perfectly crafted." The lights were blinding, I had now idea who or where I was. "What? Were am I?" I felt straps around my arms and legs release. "Darling, don't worry. I am Alex, your father. Welcome to the world Y/L" I felt my self pull back into the darkness. When I woke back up I was in a cell, "what is happening " shut up prisoner!" I stood up, something was off. I turned my head to find a pair of wings on my back, "Holy shit" my head fell heavy to one side, "Uh-" I touched my head and felt 2 large and curly horns. "how do I know all this. How to speak, what speaking even is" I herd footsteps. "Because I have put my knowledge in your brain. Meaning you will always I have a piece of me with you" he smiled.

Flash Back 2* I felt his blood run down my arm, "Well done solider, you can come back now" I felt emotionless, numb. I flew up into the air and back to HYDRA. "Well done Y/n you saved lives" They had always told me that but I feel I kill more than I save, and when I do kill it not quickly I watch them suffer. They tell me HYDRA is good but the hole in my Stomach tells me other wise. "Back in the cell father" he nodded my head. "You will have good dinner my dear" he kissed my forehead and I walked back to the cell.

Flash Back 3* "There is someone in here, Its a girl" I felt my self being picked up. "Steven be careful she could be like the Winter solider!" "She is not I can tell" I black out from blood loss, I had failed my mission and was beaten until an inch of my life was left. When I woke I was warm, and in a bed. "Hey Y/n I'm Steven, I wanna help but you need to tell me some stuff first" I nodded and sat up, "okay Y/n lets get started" he flipped open a note book, "So tell me Who are you?"

Flash Back 4* This man Steven said he was gonna help, it was very much a step up from HYDRA. I had my own bed and good food. "Y/n I can take away your memories from HYRDA but only if you let me?" I nodded. But what I didn't realize was that he was gonna mess with my DNA, Change me into a child, and take all of my memories even the good ones.

(flash back are over)

"Y/n?" I heard beeps and sniffles, "hey open your eyes" I opened my eye. I looked around, white walls and bright lights. "Bucky?" "yea doll I'm right here" I felt his warm hand wrap around mine, my vision cleared. There sat the Avengers, eyes wide. "hey guys" my voice sounded horrible. "hey" they all said at once. "Y/n?" I turned my attention to Bucky "Y/n are you okay, you've been out for 4 day's " "yea I remember everything, my time at HYDRA. Before Steven took my memories" Nat stood up and hugged me. "girl you scared the shit out of me" I chuckled, "I'm sorry guys. when I relived all of it, it was real" They all gave sad smiles or light nods.

They spent all night with me, they even slept in here with me. "Y/n?" Bucky layed in the bed next to me. "yea?" "your okay right" I looked up at the celling. "I remember all 243,786 people I've killed. Their screams, and cry for forgiveness. I was a monster. I even went to funerals to see the pain to feel something, just anything"  "y/n its okay, you aren't her anymore" "Bucky I wasn't put  under by them, I wasn't a different person I was me, you had the Winter Solider, your alter ego. But I was Y/n the whole time, it was me" he held me in his arms, and slowly traced light circles on my arms. "its okay doll"


(756 words)

now that we know your past, what could possibly go wrong now hehehe 

Stay Safe 




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