The better days

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Its been 4 months Since DJ died, I've slowly came back to normal me. The first month I never left my room, the second one I left my room but not the tower, months 3-4 I finally was back to normal. "Hey Y/n wanna go shopping." I look up from my book to be faced by Nat and Wanda. "Why, my book just got good" Nat. laughed and pulled me up. "it wasn't an option!" "ugh" "Wanda go get Y/n an outfit, and you go get a shower. and make it quick" I stuck my tough out at her and got in the shower.

The 3 of us made our way to the kitchen, "Were are you girls going" Steve and Bucky sat on the couch. "Shopping care to join us?" " don't see why not, come one Bucky" "whyyyy?" Steve pulled up Bucky. "you sound like Y/n" I elbowed nat. the 5 of us got into the car. Me, Wanda, and Nat were in the back, the boys were in the front. I had control of the music. "you got me in chains, you got me in chains for your love!"

"Alright Girls we are here" we filed out of the car and left the boys behind. "hey Y/n Wait up" "nope you guys need to hurry up" I heard Bucky laugh. "Oo Y/n lets go look at dresses, Wanda you in" "yes!" "you guys know I don't wear dresses" I looked down at my feet, Wanda pulled my face up. "now you stop it, you are perfect. If someone can only see you for your scars and imperfections they don't deserve you. Now get your ass in that store and get a hat ass dress" I smiled and  walked in.

"Im not a fan of white dresses, White doesn't look good on me" I looked at nat , "Anything looks good on you" she smiled at me, "Y/n look at that one! you should get it" it was a red dress that had a slit on the leg

"Im not a fan of white dresses, White doesn't look good on me" I looked at nat , "Anything looks good on you" she smiled at me, "Y/n look at that one! you should get it" it was a red dress that had a slit on the leg

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"wow, I don't think I could pull it off" "Go put it on" she pushed me into the dressing room.

---------------Nats Pov-----------

"Hey Guys!" the boys had come back with 2 bags in each hand, "Looks like you guys had fun shopping" "were's Y/n" Bucky looked concerned, "don't worry she is trying on a dress, Y/n you almost done?" "yea just zipping it up" a couple seconds later she walked out. "Wow Y/n you look, wow" "you like it"

---------Your POV-------------

"You Like it" I looked past Nat and saw Wanda, Steve, and Bucky Staring at me. "What dose it look bad?" Bucky walked past Nat, "No doll of corse not you look" he paused "I look?" "you look beautiful, more than beautiful if I'm being honest" I smiled at him and gave him a kiss, "thank you Bucky" "how about you get back in normal clothes you get the dress and we all go eat lunch" "that sound perfect" I went back into the stall and got back into normal clothes. 

"So were do you guys wanna go to eat" Steve got into the drivers seat. "How about (Your Favorite restaurant)?" " Oo I haven't been there in a while lets go" Nat got excited. We Listened to music and danced in the car. "Alright were here" "Yay lets go" we made our way in. "hi, table for 5 please" The lady looked up. "Oh MY GOD, your the avengers, and I'm sorry do I know you?" she looked at me. "Oh- I'm Y/n I'm a newer member to the avengers" "Oh....okay then" she rolled her eyes and went to get the ,"follow me" when we got to the table she only put down 4 menus. "Its what ever ill just share with Bucky" "Okay what are you getting?" "Uhm, I think (favorite food from here)" 

"Okay can I take your order?" Steve: "Um ill have a turkey club"  Nat: "Ill have eggs and some bacon" Wanda" Cheese steak with some Paprikia if that's okay" "yea that's fine, and for you hottie" She looked at Bucky, he chuckled Awquardly, Bucky:" Uh- I -I'll just have a Turkey club too" "Mhm goo choice. okay thanks for your orders" she rushed away. "Wait, you didn't get mine" sho was already gone. "what the fuck, all I want to do is get my food" "hey Doll calm down, you need to take a breather" He took me out side

----------Steve POV---------

"okay Ive got your food, oh where did Bucky go?" "Uh- please don't call him bucky, Barnes would be better" "Oh, sorry" "and you missed and order" "I did my bad, what do you need" "Could we get (your order) Please" "okay on it" 

_------------Your POV------

 We walked back to the table "Y/n Don't worry I ordered your meal." when I sat down no one started eating. "You guys can eat, you don't have to wait" "No we are doll it sonly fair" I smiled at him, 30 minuets later my food  still wasn't here."Guys eat and we can go." Bucky got up and took some take out boxes. "We are gonna stop somewhere for you than we can all eat at home" "Guys  its okay." "No Y/n she Is an ass so we won't give the satisfaction of not getting you your food" nat stood up and so did Wanda. "oh you guys done?" "yea ring us up please" 

she walked over to the register " you guys didn't even touch your food was is the wrong order?" "listen you know exactly why we didn't eat so ring us up now" Steve was mad. "okay, okay here is your receipt." she handed it to Bucky, "what are the numbers on the top?" "Oh its my phone number" She winked. I lost my shit. 

"okay you listen up, you refused to give me my food I have gotten dirty looks from you all afternoon. Sorry to tell you sister Bucky is taken, no give us a recepit with out your number" "what are you gonna do if I dont" Nat stepped forward, "She is over 1,000 years old and cant be killed I'm pretty sure your picking a fight you won't win"


(1052 words) 

woah what a bitch, I told you there was gonna be drama.

stay Safe 




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