Chapter 8

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"What the hell are you doing here?" I asked while giving him a death glare. "Don't worried about me...It seems like you actually listen to what I told you," He said with a smirk.

 I sigh then look at Kuina who was just standing there. "I'm sorry Y/n...But Chishiya wanted me to talk to you so you can join our plan." I had my mouth open not believing she used me to be in a plan.

"Listen I know you probably don't want to me my friend now, but I told him we could probably need you," she said while looking down at the carpet floor. I looked at Chishiya not believe her "Don't look at me it wasn't my idea I told her no," he said while getting up from the bed walking towards me.

When he was walking towards me I said, "Wait you didn't want me to help?" He was two inches away to my face while smirking coming to my ear saying, "Don't you remember what I said...that I don't trust people the first time I meet them." I couldn't say anything because he was really close to me and his voice was very deep which was making my legs shake.

He lean back from my face looking me up and down seeing my legs shake a little. He smirk knowing he did that on purpose.

I looked at Kuina to only see her looking away from us with her hand on the side of her face. I looked back at Chishiya saying, "Do that again I will kill you." When I said that his eyes didn't have any spark in them like I was his little prey he was ready to hunt down.

"I do it again if I want to...just to see you have fear towards me." Before I could say something back he came back up to my face again saying, "My voice isn't going to be the only thing that will make your legs shake." He smirk looking at me while I looked the other way.

"Can you guys stop I can feel the sexual tension over here," Kuina had said with disgust in her voice. "Kuina I don't know what your talking about all I was doing is telling her I still don't trust her," Chishiya said looking at Kuina back.

My heart was beating so fast it felt like I ran a mile, but then it felt like it stop for a second because he still doesn't trust me. Kuina turn around to see he wasn't close to my face "Finally I thought you were going to kiss." I try to cover my laugh until Chishiya looked at me saying,

"I trust you if you can get Niragi to trust me a little bit...Got that then you can be part of the plan." I look at him nodded my head because it felt like my throat was burning.

"Good then I will leave you two alone," he said walking to to the door while giving me a small deathglare.

After he walked out the door I said to Kuina, "Does he always acts like that?" "No...he does not act like towards people but it depends." I sigh hoping I didn't do anything bad to make him act like towards me. "Girl don't worried, but all I'm going to say is he someone you don't want to be enemy with," Kuina said like she saw someone die.

A few minutes later:

"Y/n I'm getting exhausted I'm going to sleep," Kuina said while blinking very slow. I had a small laugh saying, "Okay I'm going to get water from the bar." She nodded her head saying "Be careful I don't want to kick someone in the balls again." I shake my head laughing while walking to the door. "Goodnight Kuina," I said when I close the door.

 When I was walking to the bar there were still many people there. 'Why the hell are they not sleeping' I thought. Once I made it the bar I asked for a water "Is that all you want" I heard someone said from behind me. I turn around only to see Niragi smiling down at me, "Tch...what do you want." He came beside me saying, "I went to your room to see if you were okay but I didn't see you there."

I opens eyes so wide that I couldn't believe what Chishiya had told me was true. I looked at me see him looking me up and down licking his lipssaying, "Why don't you have your swimsuit on?" 

I forgot to put it on in Kuina room, "Well I forgot to but I was going to after I get my water." "Also I'm sorry you didn't find me there but I had asked someone I begined friends with if I could stay with them because I was homesick," I said with a smile on my face hoping he leave me alone.

Until I realize I had to gain him to trust Chishiya a little bit. "Oh if you really felt homesick you could of have stay in my room with me." I wanted to punch him in the face for saying that.

"Maybe next time...but I have a question do you know anything about Chishiya?" When I said his name Niragi made a face of disgust. I guess he doesn't like him, "Listen I'm going to leave you alone because now I don't want to talk to you anymore."

After he said that he got up and left me alone. I was happy he left, but I really wanted to know why they both don't trust each other. Once he left the barter gave me my water I thank him then walk away from all this people.

When I was walking back to the room I saw Chishya leaning against the wall looking at all the people. He didn't see me so I was walking very quiet towards him to scared him. Once I was behind him I put my arms up about to scared him until he turn around and grab my wrists making me hit my back hit the wall.

I looked up at him trying to move my wrist to only have him hold onto them tighter. "Are you spying on me now?" He asked while looking me dead in my eyes.

When I was about to say something he still had ahold onto my wrist walking towards the elevator saying, "Since you like following me your going to stay in my room."

Clever or Not/Alice in borderland chishiya x readerWhere stories live. Discover now