The Airship / Part Two

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"I will assign you all a colour to wear and that is the name you will go as!"
A man was in the air ship with me and the other 11 people who were chosen. We were all seated down in a line facing the man.
The man walked to the front of the airship.

The boy who sat next to me in the ceremony was also sat next to me on the airship.

"Are you nervous?" he asked, leaning over towards me.
"Erm, well a little" I said. I didn't want to show him that I was nervous as it would've came across as if I was an easy target. That can't happen.

"Well I'm Gabriel" he took out his hand infront of me.
I looked at his hand and shook it with mine.
"I'm Ash" I said, smiling.
Gabriel gave me some sort of relief from what was going on in the world.
Before anything else, one of the girls walked over to us.
"Hi!! I'm Blossom!!" said the girl hugging us both.
"Erm hi Blossom" I said in an uncomfortable way.
"I just hope that if you're the imposter, you don't kill me!" Blossom said laughing uncontrollably. Well if I was the imposter, I would definitely kill her first as she sounds annoying as hell.

Then a boy also came over and smirked at me.
"Hello Ash, I'm Tobias, but you can call me whatever you want"
"I think they would rather die" said Gabriel.
"Let's not fight now okay? We have plenty of time for that in the Skeld"
"Shut up!" me and Gabriel said together.
"Oh-" Blossom exclaimed.
Tobias glared at Gabriel and walked back to his seat.
Blossom looked at me and was about to say something but then was interrupted.

"Back to your seat Blossom" said the man. He came back with 12 different coloured suits. There was red, orange, yellow, lime, green, cyan, blue, purple, pink, black, white and brown.

I've never seen this much before as we only ever wear grey back in Polus.
So many thoughts were still running through my head and I couldn't process them.
He started handing out each colour down the line. All of the good colours were being handed out first. At last he came to me and handed me the white one.

The man walked back to the front and looked at us all.
"When you get into The Skeld, you will be given a role, either a crew mate or an imposter! When you're given your role, don't tell people unless you're a crew mate! Do not! And I mean do not tell people that you're imposter unless you want to die! Don't try and kill if you're a crew mate unless you want to die! Do not cheat unless you want to die!"

The man looked out of the window of the airship and smiled.

"We're here"

The air ship landed and we walked out of the ship and into The Skeld.

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