Goldilocks and the three acceptance letters

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see what i did there? hehe😈

"you sure you don't wanna come?" Race asked Elmer as he packed for London.

"Race, this is a trip for you and your family." Elmer turned down politely. Sure this was supposed to be a trip for Race and his family, but there was another, obvious reason why Elmer didn't want to go to London with him.

"come on Elmo, you'll get to see Andi again." Lilly pushed. "she still loves you, you know."

"and I love her too, which is why I can't go to London." Elmer replied and slumped down on Race's bed.

Albert furrowed his eyebrows. "shouldn't that be a reason why you should go to London?"

"I mean yeah... but no... I don't know guys. I'm trying to move on, alright? And I can't do that if she's right in front of me." Elmer replied as he begun to fidget with his hands.

The truth is, Elmer didn't really want to move on from Andi. And he hoped that she wouldn't want to move on from him. He hoped one day, they'd reunite and fall in love all over again. And this time, the timing would be right. That's what he thought of the whole thing. Maybe it was just bad timing and him and Andi are really meant to be together. Maybe when the timing is right, nothing will go wrong.

"but what if she doesn't wanna move on?" Finch asked and sat beside his best friend. "she misses you, you know. But she didn't say anything about finding someone else."

Spot sighed and sat on the other side of Elmer. "she does miss you. When me, Finch, Albert and Race visited, she woke me up every night talking about how she misses you. She couldn't fall asleep 'cause she was thinking about you."

Elmer's eyes lit up. "really?"


"I miss her too." He admitted quietly.

"come with me." Race pleaded. "you can see Andi again and you two can talk and-"

"and get back together?"

"yeah, exactly!"

"Racer, we're not in some... some Wattpad story, it's not that easy."

"but it can be." Katherine chimed in.

"but it's not." Elmer replied, in which Katherine's eyes dimmed. It hurt everybody to see their two most dearest friends like this. Sad, heartbroken, but unwilling to get back together.

Every night, Andi would text Katherine and Lilly, and rant about how much she misses Elmer. How she wishes she never developed a crush on him. Maybe she wouldn't have lost him if she didn't get together with him.

Every night, Elmer also talks about how much he misses Andi. He talks about how he wishes that he never got as insecure as he did and he scolds himself for not trusting her as much as he should've.

But it doesn't matter anymore. There's no more Andi and Elmer. There's just Elmer. And there's just Andi. Maybe over time, they'll slowly become friends again. Then they'll become the best friends like they were just meant to be. Both of them wish for that.

    "RACE!" Before he knew it, Race was tackled to the ground by his best friend.

He smirked, his bright blue eyes sparkling like they usually did. It was easy for Andi to miss those eyes. She's never seen any like them. They were so refreshing to see in person again. "missed me?"

"of course, dumbfuck." Andi laughed as they both stood up. She could admit, it was weird seeing Race in person again. She got so used to seeing him through a phone or computer screen. She got used to seeing all her friends from New York through a screen.

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