"Ah. And what about you? Hmm? You're in a snow-covered landscape, yourself."

She had her there. Emily was really beginning to wonder what was wrong with the woman. She wasn't at all disturbed by the weather and seemed completely comfortable. She felt wary of her and decided to choose her words carefully while dragging her by the arm in no particular direction. "Sorry. I'm only trying to cover you up. I have a... A rare skin condition that protects my body from feeling temperatures so I'll be fine. We just need to find ourselves a road... Or a person... Some sort of splash of colour that will lead us away from here. Maybe my friends will find us out. I hope so. I'll get you out of here, we're going to be okay-"

It was then that Emily truly looked at her surroundings once again and noticed the snow hadn't fallen in some time. She couldn't feel the movement. She had planned to just glance at the sky and get back to the strange conversation but she froze completely at the dazzling sight before her, her eyes glazing when see heard the woman speak to her in a gentle, soothing tone.

"Emilia... That is what they call you, isn't it? There are many origins of that name. Hungarian, Roman, Spanish Latin, Italian. They probably didn't even think about it when they named you. Humans... A strange group. It has many meanings, too. To rival. To strive. To excel. Strength, my little one. You are strength and you are bravery. I spent so many hours mulling over what name I would give you. Even after I thought you were lost forever. Emilia... It suits you, my daughter. It suits you well."

"I... Who... Who are you?"

"And now, I can finally call you by the name. I can look at you, and you will hear me say it or scream it or whisper it and you will look me in the eyes and say 'yes, mother'. Our little miracle has returned. The only child we ever got to have, back then, with the little time we were given together-"

"Stop talking in riddles, lady, just tell me who the fuck you are or I'll... Or I'll...!"

"Strange. Did you not hear me? Your mother, Emilia. I am your mother." She took a step towards Emily that caused the young girl to take a step back. "I know that the circumstances are unpleasant, I can't say why you appeared here rather than your warm bed and chambers. Nonetheless, I am so pleased-"

"How dare you?! What is this place?! What do you want from me?! Let me go, damn you, the Titans will be looking for me! I don't- I d-don't want to be here anymore, just-" she steeled her expression again, forming an icy dagger with her hands. She then rose it to the blonde's face, her hand shaking as tears clouded her vision from her tormentor. "Let. Me. Go. I don't know what kind of arctic-simulation-trap-thing you have me in but I will not be put in a cage, again! I will not be deceived and puppeted, again! What is it you want from me?!"

"You don't believe me? While I understand this may be overwhelming, look around, Emilia. It's me. It's really me. I'm your mother. And you... You are so beautiful. Still fighting, even when you're so, so afraid. I don't know what the people of that world did to you but no more of that. Never again. You're with me, now. You're safe."

"You're insane! You can't just manipulate me with your stupid special effects and think for a second that I'll be putty in your hands! I'm not a child, I'm not naïve, I'm not stupid- don't you touch me! You don't get to play with my feelings like that then act like everything's fine and we should hug and make up! I don't care who you are... I just... I just want Jason. Let me go to Jason, I... You... Don't come any closer!"

She touched the very tip of the weapon, smiling softly when it broke apart and melted in Emily's hand. Then she slowly took Emily's hand, walking forward gracefully as she led her forward. "Come with me. I will take you to the Palace. You will love it there, my child. You will live there with me and- I mean- I am sorry. I am doing it, again. Overwhelming you. He said this might happen, I just get so excited knowing I can hold you. Please, my dear, follow me. I will explain it all tomorrow, you need to rest."

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