Saving You

501 11 6

Angst to Fluff


TW: Unsuccessful Suicide, Self-Deprecation, Self-Harm, Suicidal Thoughts/Talk.

Nagito PoV

The night was still and silent. A bit too quiet for my liking.

Everyone hates me now.

I've blown up most of the island and ruined everyones chance at survival.

I guess I should just ruin my own now...

I stood up from my cottage and got everything prepared.

The knifes. The ropes. The lighter.

Everything was ready to go.

And so was I.

I made my way to the break room as everyone was sleeping.

Here goes nothing I guess.

I've waited for this moment for so long, theres nothing anyone can do to stop me.

I've waited for this moment ever since I was born.

I arrived at the room and sat down.


Here goes nothing.

Hajime PoV

I was restless. Something is off. I can just feel it.

We havent seen Nagito for days.

I dont think he's ate, or slept, or bathed.

I hope we can find him soon.

I got out of bed, unable to sleep.

I grabbed my cottage key, unlocking my door and leaving. Locking the door after me.

I strolled along the path slowly.

Nagito's cottage door was ajar.


I knocked lightly.


My stomach dropped.

I knew he was suicidal. We all did.

But he wouldn't just do it out of the blue in the middle of his cottage... right?

"Nagito, I'm coming in." I said, incase he was in there.

I opened the door.

No one.

I sighed. Goddamnit I thought he would've been there. Sleeping, atleast.

But no..

I stepped inside, looking around.

"Nagito...?" I called out again.

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