33 | ♥ ᴛʀᴀᴘᴘᴇᴅ ♥

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I was in a complete daydream, so I almost didn't feel my phone vibrate against my upper-thigh. I took it from my pocket and noted that I received a message, from an unknown number. I hesitated, knowing what happened last time I got messages from unknown numbers.

It's fine, no one can hurt you from inside your screen, Sophia, my subconscious said. I nodded to soothe myself and opened the text. 

Unknown: Hey sophia its natalie. i bought a new phone and this is my number now.

Oh...okay, I guess. I mean, it did seem like it was her. I saved the number under her the name 'Natalie 2.0' in my contacts because I kept her old number as well, and then another notification came in.

Natalie 2.0: could you sneak out of there and meet me and leslie at the PE hall?

Me: But what if the teacher sees im not there anymore, he'll get super mad?

Natalie 2.0: but he already took absents right?

I scanned the field and saw my teacher speaking to my Art teacher. Shoot, why am I doing this? If I mess this up, I'm going to be in so much trouble...

Me: im coming, hold up

And that's when I discretely sprinted off. When I looked over my shoulder quickly, I saw a boy watching me, but I don't think he'd say anything. He was one of the nicer kids in my class.

I went through the little, fairly useless gate, and ended up in the PE room again. I didn't say anything as I looked around for them, scared someone near would hear me. Where are they? I wondered as I sent Natalie a text, telling her I was here. 

I heard the door I just came in through click shut. I whirled around and saw his eyes burn through mine. Holy freak, I'm dead.

His brown eyes intensely drilled a hole into my head, so I decided to stare at his dirty blond hair. "Well, well, well," he muttered coldly. "Aren't you gullible," he cooed. 

"Wh-What are you doing here?" I barely got out, and scolded myself for sounding so vulnerable. But how couldn't I? He was the guy who held a freaking gun to my head! Who knows what he might have now.

"W-Well I'm j-just here to say hello," he mocked my stuttering with a devilish smirk. 

I shook my head. "No... Why are you really here?" I wasn't sure if it was a smart thing to do, but I couldn't help it, I was curious. 

He let out a chuckle and stepped closer, making me automatically take a step back. "I came to make a clear message, since your boyfriend is so stubborn and won't  listen to me." I was immediately confused. Boyfriend? Did he mean Grayson?

"This is the last time I'm giving him hints, my patience is long gone." At the end of his statement he was so close to me I was frozen on the spot. 

"What do you mean giving him hints?" I asked, still not understanding any of it.

"Oh, Darling, it's nothing you have to worry about. I can't say the same for Grayson though, because you're in the middle of it all." 

"So I do need to worry about it," I let out, and it accidentally sounded a bit rude, but I was simply tired of not knowing what's going on. He narrowed his eyes at me temporarily, contemplating something in his head. His sick head. 

"Well yes, but you can't do anything about it, so there's really no point in doing that," he ended up saying. His tone was calmly, and it almost seemed as if he were bored. "He knows what I want, now I'm only showing him what'll happen if I don't get what I want."

Her Beautiful InnocenceTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang